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The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 3

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1 The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 3
Pneumatology The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 3

2 Cultivation Every believer undergoes the trauma of continuous struggle within himself between the flesh (the _________ nature) and the Spirit (who gives impetus to the ____________ nature). This struggle gives rise to either a defeated, self‑satisfied carnal Christian or a ____________, Spirit anointed, spiritual Christian. It is ___________ to the authority of the Holy Spirit who dwells within that determines which will be the case. We will either be dominated by the desires of the flesh or we will be "led by the Spirit." (Romans 8:14) The result of being led by the Spirit or being Spirit filled is the vintage or ________. Just as the flesh bears fruit (Galatians 5:19‑21), so also does the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23). A Christian, very simply, is a _____________ person. How can a fallible human being possibly become like the blessed Lord Jesus Christ? Christ‑likeness is ___________ the work of the Holy Spirit and cannot ultimately be counterfeited. Certain aspects of holy character can be copied, but a truly holy character can _______ be produced by the Holy Spirit. (Gal. 5:22,23)

3 Fruit of the Spirit Inward Fruit – Outward Fruit – Upward Fruit –
Examine the grammar of Galatians 5:22,23. Note that the term "fruit" is ___________ as is indicated by the verb. The character of our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be dissected into a multiple-choice smorgasbord. Believers cannot decide which characteristics of the overall character of the Lord Jesus they want to emulate while excluding others. Character is the ______ of personality and cannot be subdivided. As the Spirit of God bears fruit in the life of the believer, He will produce ______ fruit comprised of _______ characteristics or traits, the composite of which make up the personality of the Lord Jesus. Fruit of the Spirit Inward Fruit – Outward Fruit – Upward Fruit – These nine fold aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit, taken as a _________, project to this wicked world a graphic picture of the character and being of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only as this fruit is borne _______in our lives that the interests of our Lord are adequately served in vibrant testimony to the ________ of God.

4 Dispensation The Church is a spiritual organism engaged in spiritual endeavor and as such does not depend upon _________ resources in order to function effectively for the glory of God. Rather the Holy Spirit of God _________ the church with those special abilities that are needed to perform its vital role in this wicked world. The origin of spiritual gifts is carefully noted in Ephesians 4:7,8 along with certain critical principles that _________ the purpose and use of those gifts. The Universality of the Gifts – "But unto every one of us is given grace . . ." Spiritual gifts are not reserved for the spiritually ________. In fact, it is possible to possess spiritual gifts and be anything but spiritual as was the case in the Corinthian church. The Corinthian church also illustrates the fact that the gifts, which God gives for spiritual endeavor, _____ be used in a carnal fashion. The universal application of spiritual gifts is made very clear in Paul's argument about the nature of the ______ of Christ in Romans 12:3‑6a. (1 Cor. 12:7)

5 The Individuality of the Gifts – "
The Individuality of the Gifts – " according to the measure of the gift of Christ." While Romans 2:11 teaches that "God is no respecter of persons," that fact has to do with the matter of _____________ before God. It does not limit God as to how He will organize and endow His Church. Ephesians 4:7, just as Romans 12:3, gives emphasis to the term "measure." Romans 12:6 makes very clear that the gifts given to various believers within the body do ________ from each other ("gifts differing"). In His providence and for His ______ purpose, God endows different believers differently. It is very important to note that in all three passages (Rom. 12, Eph. 4, and 1 Cor. 12) Paul deals with spiritual gifts in a context of the _________ of the church. This is ___________ in unity! The Availability of the Gifts – "of the gift of Christ." It is because of God's gift of His Son ("His unspeakable gift" – 2 Cor. 9:15) that we have access to spiritual gifts. These gifts, as all gifts _______ God, come _______ the gift of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 8:32) Spiritual gifts are God's gift to the _________. (Eph. 4:8)

6 The Utility of the Gifts
If we miss the purpose of spiritual gifts we will do no better than the Corinthian church in using those gifts. 1 Cor. 12:1‑7 mandates that spiritual gifts be used as God intended, that is, cohesively for the __________ of the church and the ________ of God. _______________ Gifts have to do with ____________ – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, and Pastor/Teacher. These are gifted men who communicate truth and provide leadership. ______________ Gifts have to do with ________________ – Knowledge (direct revelation), healing, miracles, prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues. These gifts provided the authentic New Testament scriptures and authenticated the ministries of the apostles and early church leaders until the Scriptures were completed and circulated and _________. ______________ Gifts have to do with ____________ in the church – ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, mercy, helps, wisdom, faith, discernment. By means of these divine endowments the church is able to represent Christ in this world, build the local assembly, and minister ________.

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