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Pillars of Islam-3 Zakaah.

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1 Pillars of Islam-3 Zakaah

2 Zakaah Zakaah is the third pillar of Islam.
It is an obligatory act of giving alms to the poor. Prophet Muhammad pbuh taught us that the wealthy and the poor were equal in importance before Allah, and that the wealthy should give a part of their money to help and support those who do not have enough for their needs and the needs of their families. It is equal to 2.5 percent of an individual's total wealth.


4 Benefits of Zakaah: Zakaah teaches us to share what we have. It helps us avoid being selfish. "Selfishness" is when a person thinks only about himself or herself, and does not care about others. Zakaah is the system Allah gave us to collect our money, put it together and use it to help everyone.

The money that we collect for zakaah can be spent on the following eight kinds of people, as explained in the Holy Qur’an: For the poor (fuqara). That is, people who are very poor and in need. For the needy (masakeen). Similar to above, but these people are too shy to ask others for help. For the Zakaah-collectors (that is, the government employees who are responsible for collecting the Zakaah).

For those whose hearts are to be reconciled (that is, attracted to Islam). For obtaining the freedom of those who are captives or enslaved. For helping those who are in debt. In the cause of Allah. For the travelers.

7 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

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