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Schematic Map of the Probation System

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1 Schematic Map of the Probation System
DENMARK 2nd October 2018 These diagrams are flow charts which help you to understand and interrogate the probation system in each jurisdiction. There are two main screens for each jurisdiction. The first shows what probation does; the second how it is organised. They complement the CEP “Probation in Europe” Handbook and include much of the data from the relevant chapters. The aim is to provide an easily accessible summary of current probation arrangements to support case transfers and co-operative working Each map shows the probation system in 4 “domains” – 1: Pre-Trial Provisions; 2: Non-Custodial Options; 3: Immediate Custody and 4: Early Release. Almost all probation casework can be fitted into one of these 4 “domains” . You can find more detailed information about each block by holding your mouse over the question-dots – pink ones are about laws and regulation; green ones about scale and metrics and yellow ones about other interesting information The Maps are built using Microsoft PowerPoint. You should open them in .ppsx mode, not .pptx mode. You can download and run the files, and even amend them for your own use. You cannot upload amended files. If you think one needs to be amended, please contact the address below With thanks to: Anette Storgaard, Aarhus Universitet Lene Skov, Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen To report amendments please contact Tony Grapes at

2 Prosecution Discontinued
CEP/EU System Map - DENMARK nd October 2018 1: Pre-Sentence 2: Community Sanctions F Pre-Trial Detention Breach Welfare Work Suspended (Prison) Sentence L Community Service n L L n i L Probation Supervision Drug or Alcohol Treatment L n Alternatives to Pre-Trial Detention Probation Supervision L L Mental Ill Health Supervision Probation Supervision L Treatment Orders Sentence Passed L n n Pre-Sentence Reports Sex Offenders L L i n Anger Management L Voluntary Pre-Trial Supervision i 3: Immediate Custody n n 4: Early Release n L L Electronic Monitoring L i n Withdrawal of Charges L Part-Suspended Sentence L Probation Supervision n Prosecution Discontinued Leaves Conditional Early Release L n L n Probation Supervision L n Half-Way House Community Service n Population (2018) 5,707,251 Prisoners/100,000 (2016) 59 Probation caseload (8/2018) 7625 Probation rate/100,000 (2016) 150.6 No of Probation Officers (12/2015) 291 Probation Budget (€€)(2015) 46,500,000 i L Addiction Treatment i Treatment L i n Half-Way House i n IMPRISONMENT i i i Voluntary Aftercare Pardon i L Probation Supervision n i Breach A feature of this probation system; the probation service either runs it or contributes to it Xxx Xxx “Live” but delivered by an agency other than probation Xxx Common feature of probation NOT “live” here Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Decision Point Hidden Data Law and Regulation Hidden Data Metrics Hidden Data -Other Information of Interest Framework Agreements 829 & 947 L n i F

Crime Prevention Council National Government MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Independent National Auditor I I DANISH PRISON AND PROBATION SERVICE Department for Prison and Probation Service i n i i n Director General Evaluation Unit i Greater Copenhagen Region (Copenhagen) Zealand Region (Ringsted) Southern Denmark Region (Kolding) Central and Northern Jutland Region (Hobro) Danish Welfare Society n i Institutions (24) i Main Daily Collaborators Head of Institution Each institution is a combination of units: State Prison n Local Prison n Probation Office n Halfway House n Local Social Services i Total: 77 units Unit Head i Unit Head Unit Head i Unit Head i i Psychiatric Services i Drug and Alcohol Services Probation Sub-Office Probation Staff n Senior Probation Officers n Probation Officers n Admin and Secretarial Volunteers Sub-Contracted Report Writing Staff n i Support Staff n i Hidden Data Law and Regulation Hidden Data Metrics Hidden Data Other Information of Interest Xmnd Management Position Ymcxnd Operational Position L n i

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