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Mr. Harrison’s Classroom Expectations World History 2016-2017 Contact Information Bill Voice Mail: (313) 827-7617.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Harrison’s Classroom Expectations World History 2016-2017 Contact Information Bill Voice Mail: (313) 827-7617."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Harrison’s Classroom Expectations World History Contact Information Bill Voice Mail: (313) Class BLOG:

2 Dearborn Public School’s Core Values Honesty Integrity Responsibility Courtesy Respect Citizenship

3 Dearborn High School expects academic integrity
Dearborn High School expects academic integrity. In other words, cheating in any form is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, turning in the work of others as your own, copying, not following specific directions during exams, or any other “suspicious behavior.” If a student cheats in any form, they shall receive a “zero” on that assessment.


5 9th Grade Classroom Rules and Responsibilities Our goal in applying these rules daily is to establish and maintain a good learning environment. Only behavior that promotes a positive learning environment will be tolerated. 1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 2. Be prepared with all required materials. 3. Follow core values. 4. Remain in your seat unless given permission to do otherwise. 5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Do not yell out. It is disruptive and unacceptable behavior You will be expected to have and use the DHS planner. 7. No personal grooming. 8. All purses, backpacks, etcetera must be stored underneath your table during class time








13 Dearborn High’s attendance policy, dress code, I. D
Dearborn High’s attendance policy, dress code, I.D. policy, hall pass/planners policy, policy on electronic devices and phones, bullying, etc. will be enforced. The Student Code of Conduct is always in effect. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Calculators are not needed and not allowed in class. Gross violation of the school and classroom rules will result in a direct referral to the administration.



16 Dearborn High’s attendance policy, dress code, I. D
Dearborn High’s attendance policy, dress code, I.D. policy, hall pass/planners policy, policy on electronic devices and phones, bullying, etc. will be enforced. The Student Code of Conduct is always in effect. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Calculators are not needed and not allowed in class. Gross violation of the school and classroom rules will result in a direct referral to the administration.

17 Grading Scale: Teachers do not “give grades,” students earn them
Grading Scale: Teachers do not “give grades,” students earn them. Grades measure a student’s mastery of the course content expectations. An “A” grade will be earned by a student whose work is truly outstanding or well above average. I appreciate the effort, but I grade the results.

18 Dearborn Public Schools grading policy requires the final grade to be determined by 80% test scores and 20% on homework quizzes, classwork. A student’s final letter grade will use the following scale: A = 100 – 94 % C = 77.9 – 74 % A- = 93.9 – 90 % C- = 73.9 – 70 % B+ = 89.9 – 88 % D+ = 69.9 – 68 % B = 87.9 – 84 % D = 67.9 – 64 % B- = 83.9 – 80 % D- = 63.9 – 60 % C+ = 79.9 – 78% E = below 60 %

19 Assignment Guidelines 1
Assignment Guidelines 1. All assignments must be NEAT and COMPLETE to receive full credit. Written work must be answered with complete sentences The NAME, HOUR, and DATE must be printed in the upper-right corner of all work. A TITLE must also appear at the top of the page. 3. NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. In the event of an excused absence, the student has the number of days they were out to make-up the missed assignments. All discussions on missed assignments must take place at an “appropriate time” [before school, end of class …] 4. If a student misses a test, a make-up test form must be filled out upon their return to set up a time after school for the make up.

20 Save the upper portion of this document____________________ Please sign and return this lower portion by this date: _________ “We have read and agree to the expectations of Mr. Harrison’s class.” Student’s Name (Print): __________________________________________ Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Parent / Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________


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