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CSSE463: Image Recognition Day 20

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Presentation on theme: "CSSE463: Image Recognition Day 20"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSSE463: Image Recognition Day 20
Project Teams: Stabilizer: Yuzong G, Jackie Z, Tony Y, Yolande X Champion Annotator: Thomas D, Ben K, Tim M, Dan S Automobiles : Larry G, Nicole M, Aaron M, Jarvis Z Math Handwriting: Josh G, Dustin G, Joe M Deep Learning: Nathan B, Matthew G, Jared H, Matthew P  ???: Josh L, Max M, Runzhi Y, Chi Z

2 Term project next steps
From the Lit Review specification. Goal: Review what others have done. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Read papers! Summarize papers Due next Sunday night

3 CSSE463: Image Recognition Day 20
Today: Lab for sunset detector Next week: Monday: Sunset detector worktime Tuesday: Midterm Exam Thursday: k-means clustering (sunset due 11:00 pm) Friday: lab 6 (k-means)

4 Exam prep Bright blue roadmap sheet
Exam review slides (courtesy reminder)

5 Last words on neural nets/SVM

6 Common model of learning machines
Statistical Learning (svmtrain) Labeled Training Images Normalize in same way Extract Features (color, texture) Summary Test Image Extract Features (color, texture) Classifier (svmfwd) Label

7 Sunset Process I suggest writing as you go
Loop over 4 folders of images Extract features Normalize Split into train and test and label Save Loop over kernel params Train Test Record accuracy, #sup vec For SVM with param giving best accuracy, Generate ROC curve Find good images Do extension I suggest writing as you go

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