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Research Methods and Theories of Personality

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1 Research Methods and Theories of Personality
Ap psych group 6 Research Methods and Theories of Personality

2 Research methods Case study-
Case studies are in-depth investigations of a single person, group, event or community. Typically, data is gathered from a variety of sources using several different methods observation, interview etc.. Survey Method -A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals. Surveys are commonly used in psychology to collect self-report data from study participants. Population- the target population is the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn. Longitudinal study is an observational research method in which data is gathered for the same subjects repeatedly over a period of time. Cross sectional study: involves using different groups of people who differ in the variable of interest but share other characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, educational background, and ethnicity. Cohort efforts- When people who were born at about the same time, such as during a given year or a particular decade, share various characteristics as a group.

3 Research methods part 2 An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee established to review and approve research involving human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that all human subject research be conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines. Informed consent is a legal and ethical term defined as the consent by a client to a proposed medical or psychotherapeutic procedure, or for participation in a research project or clinical study. Don’t forget mean, median and mode!!!

4 Theories of personality
Id- Exists entirely in the unconscious (so we are never aware of it). Our hidden true animalistic wants and desires. Works on the Pleasure Principle Ego- has a pretty important job… to protect you from threatening thoughts in your unconscious. One way it does this is through defense mechanisms. Develops after the Id Works on the Reality Principle Superego- Develops last at about the age of 5 It is our conscience (what we think the difference is between right and wrong) The Ego often mediates between the superego and id

5 Theories of personality part 2
Psychosexual stages Oral stage months=pleasure centers on the mouth-sucking, biting, chewing Anal Stage months= pleasure focuses on bowel and bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control Phallic Stage 3-6 years= Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings. -oedipus complex -identification Process=Process of incorporating child’s parents’ values with own developing superegos. Latency Stage 6-puberty- Dormant sexual feelings Genital Stage-puberty- on-= maturation of sexual interests Fixation= a lingering focus of pleasure seeking energies a t an earlier psychosexual stage, where conflicts were unresolved

6 Theories of personality part 3
Defense Mechanisms Repression – Banishing anxiety-arousing thoughts, feeling, and/or memories from consciousness. Regression – Anxiety causes someone to act in a manner consistent with earlier psychosexual stage, such as being afraid and curling up into the fetal position. Reaction Formation – Hating someone and acting, because hate is unacceptable, like you love that person instead. Like with a boss. Projection – “You want her/him, don’t you,” when really it’s you who want her/him. Rationalization – Self-justification as to why eating cotton candy can actually be healthy. Displacement – Boss yells at you, you kick the dog. Sublimation – Aggressive person plays football and turns unacceptable impulses into socially valued skills.


8 Theories of personality part 4
Trait Perspective of Personality Describe people in terms of their characteristic behaviors and conscious motives. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) – Originally focused on emotional disorders, this now is most widely used personality test. Maslow Self-actualization Unconditional Positive Regard Self-concept – “Who am I?” Self-esteem – One’s feelings of high or low self-worth. Self-Serving Bias – Perceive oneself favorably. Individualism vs. Collectivism Characteristics of each type of living and the individuals who live this life-style. Social-Cognitive Personality Theory Reciprocal Determinism – Interacting (back and forth) influences between personality and environmental factors. Personal Control – External vs. Internal Locus of Control Learned Helplessness – Hopelessness and passive resignation of an animal or human when unable to avoid repeated aversive (negative) events.

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