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Cardiovascular Test Review

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular Test Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular Test Review

2 What is the % of plasma in blood?

3 What leukocyte dilates blood vessels and prevents clotting?

4 What vessels takes blood away from the heart?
Arteries and arterioles

5 If a blood typing test was ran, what blood type would this be?

6 Explain why Type O blood is the Universal Donor
No agglutinogens

7 What is the double-lining around the heart called?

8 What is the function of the Foramen Ovale?
Shunt blood away from lungs and to the fetus’ body

9 What is the pacemaker of the heart called?
SA node

10 What is the arrow pointing to?
Pulmonary trunk

11 The functions of all valves?
Prevent backflow

12 What layer is this? Tunica interna

13 Represents the depolarization of the ventricles?
QRS wave

14 What blood vessel type is this?

15 What specific type of blood cell?

16 What are these 3 heart structures?
AV valve, chordae tendinae, papillary muscles

17 What 4 things are plasma made of?
Water Albumin Globulin Fibrinogen Antibodies salts

18 What is the arrow pointing to?

19 What is #9 Right atrium

20 When does agglutination happen during a blood transfusion?
When agglutinins recognize agglutinogens

21 What diagnostic test is this?

22 What blood test is this? Hemotocrit

23 What is #17? Pulmonary Semilunar valve

24 How many heart beats does this represent?

25 What does the purple dot represent?
SA node

26 What condition does this patient have?

27 Name 2 places hemopoesis takes place
Bone marrow Thymus Spleen Lymph nodes

28 What disorder is this? Varicose veins

29 Fibrinogen is converted to Fibrin in the presence of?

30 After you are cut, what is the 1st thing that happened to prevent bleeding?
Vessels constrict

31 What disorder does this Ht represent?

32 What is the most common leukocyte?

33 What is this purple cell?

34 What makes erythrocytes different than any other cell?
No nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes

35 Put the blood cells in order of most abundant to least:
Erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes

36 What does the green line represent?
Parietal pericardium

37 Plasma protein that keeps water in the blood

38 Type of anemia associated with lack of Vitamin B?

39 Plasma proteins are produced in what organ?

40 What artery are they using?

41 What agglutinogens and agglutinins does A+ blood have?
Agglutinogens = A and D Agglutinins = B

42 If I’m a hemocytoblast on my way to becoming a thrombocyte –what will I turn into?

43 Disorder Rh negative mothers need to worry about
Erythroblastosis fetalsis

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