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Chapter 7.4 Why do archeologists, anthropologists and historians study artifacts?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7.4 Why do archeologists, anthropologists and historians study artifacts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are three things that you think this artist was thinking about when creating this piece?

2 Chapter 7.4 Why do archeologists, anthropologists and historians study artifacts?

3 Power of ART How do you think people felt during the times of…

4 Mannerism (early-mid 1500s)
In the 16th century all of Europe was in a state of profound social, religious and scientific turmoil. Art often reflects those things we are worried about, happy about, that are important to us, etc.

5 What does this picture make you feel?

6 Baroque Late (1500s thru 1600s) 1. (Architecture) a style of architecture and decorative art that flourished throughout Europe characterized by extensive ornamentation 2. (Classical Music) a 17th-century style of music characterized by extensive use of the thorough bass and of ornamentation 3. (Art Terms) any ornate or heavily ornamented style

7 Where do you think this room is located?

8 What emotion do you think the subject of this portrait is displaying?

9 Major movements in Literature
The Novel : a narrative story breaking away from the old epic poems (i.e. . Example: Don Quixote

10 Political Writing Thomas Hobbes – political writer of his time
John Locke – Natural Law - use of reason to analyze both social and personal human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior Natural Rights -Rights that people supposedly have under natural law

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