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Shakespeare, The Elizabethan Time Period and The English Renaissance

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1 Shakespeare, The Elizabethan Time Period and The English Renaissance

2 Shakespeare began his career in the theater during the ELIZABETHAN AGE.
-Reign of Queen Elizabeth ( ) -“Golden Age” in English history -Elizabeth-strong supporter of the arts (literature, painting, sculpture, theater and music) -Artists of all types held in high esteem

3 Elizabethan Drama -Elizabethan plays were either tragedies or comedies
Comedy- “begins with trouble and ends with peace” -rise of an individual -solutions provided to problems by end of play -humor, characters who looked and acted funny

4 Elizabethan Drama continued …
Tragedy- “play that begins calm and ends with violence” -fall of an individual or individuals -usually ends with death -realistic sword fights and bloody death scenes *(actors wore pig bladders filled with red liquid that flowed like blood when actors were “stabbed”)

5 Elizabethan Drama continued …
Dialogue: two or more people having a conversation Monologue: one person talking, someone else is listening Soliloquy: one person all alone is speaking

6 English Renaissance -Early 1400’s – early 1600’s?
-movement away from the darkness, barbarism and superstition -European scholars interested in studying the world around them -Renaissance- French word meaning “rebirth”

7 English Renaissance continued …
-Beginning of modern history -Began in northern Italy and then spread through Europe. -Italian cities became centers of trade between Europe and the Middle East -Ideas exchanged along with goods.

8 English Renaissance continued …
-The Renaissance influenced painting, sculpture, and architecture. -Paintings became more realistic and focused less often on religious topics. -Artists begin showing nature and depicting the feelings of people. -Humanism- philosophical movement focusing on man, his dignity and his worth (purpose)

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