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Recent Activities of Ocean Surface Topography Virtual Constellation (OST-VC) Remko Scharroo (EUMETSAT)

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Activities of Ocean Surface Topography Virtual Constellation (OST-VC) Remko Scharroo (EUMETSAT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Activities of Ocean Surface Topography Virtual Constellation (OST-VC)
Remko Scharroo (EUMETSAT)

2 OST-VC Cal/Val Activities — Background
Three satellite altimeter launches since 2016 Jason-3 (Jan 2016) Sentinel-3A (Feb 2016) Sentinel-3B (Apr 2018) Long-term (25+ years) altimeter record Cross-calibration In-situ data Various initiatives and projects

3 Jason Cal/Val Activities (1)
In-orbit verification, calibration and validation Conducted largely by Partner Agencies (CNES, NASA, NOAA, EUMETSAT) Decision making on data release to OSTST and wider community Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Wide range of scientists and operational users with interest in Jason missions Sponsored by all Jason Partner agencies Is expanding to become a multi-mission international working group on all altimeter missions Mission-long cal/val activities Suggestions for evolutions of algorithms and auxiliary data

4 Jason Cal/Val Activities (2)
Jason-2 end-of-life activities Small group of experts made recommendations to optimise between constellation needs and science output Decision making by Joint Steering Group (Partner Agencies)

5 Sentinel-3 Activities (1)
In-orbit verification, calibration and validation Conducted largely by Partner Agencies (ESA, EUMETSAT, CNES) Decision making on data release to S3VT and wider community Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT) Wide range of scientists and operational users with interest in Sentinel-3 Meet approximately yearly to present cal/val activities Also suggestions for future evolutions of algorithms and auxiliary data

6 Sentinel-3 Activities (2)
Sentinel-3 Quality Working Group (S3QWG) Select group of key scientists on various aspects of satellite altimetry: Sea level, sea ice, land ice, winds and waves Report of quality analysis Recommend evolutions to Partner Agencies OSTST Has over the last years starting to morph into a multi- mission altimeter working group

7 Sentinel-3 Activities (3)
CEOS OST-VC Highlight At time of Sentinel-3A launch it was planned to launch Sentinel-3B straight into its interleaved orbit So no tandem mission ESA and EUMETSAT with the help of OST-VC recommended to management to have a tandem mission first Common to previous altimeter missions for long-term record Unique for optical instruments Already paying off in detecting small inter-satellite (processing) differences

8 FRM4ALT: Fiducial Reference Measurements for Altimetry
International Review Workshop (April 2018) Critical review of methodology Cal/Val using ground-based measurements Define requirements, establish standards Calibration such that sea level can be monitored under international standards Roadmap Establish reference frame Minimum set of observations Harmonised approach with continuous capability Requirements on in-situ equipment Transponder, tide-gauges, radiometer

9 SAOO Phase 0 study CNES Phase 0 study for new (swath) altimeter constellation Based on requirement to resolve 50 km & 5 days resolution Leads to either D altimeters or 2-3 swath altimeters Still needs “traditional” 1-D altimeters for reference Study can be expanded to white paper on future altimeter constellation Based on up-to-date requirements on Spatio-temporal coverage Accuracy Long-term stability Intended as OST-VC activity for next 2 years

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