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Age of Exploration 1400's 's Period of time between the 1400’s to the early 1600’s, when wealthy European nations sent explorers on ocean voyages.

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2 Age of Exploration 1400's 's Period of time between the 1400’s to the early 1600’s, when wealthy European nations sent explorers on ocean voyages of discovery in search of new lands and trade.

3 Known World before the Age of Exploration


5 Aim: What led to the Age of Exploration?

6 . Europeans were Luxury goods interested in trade with the Far East.
Factor #1: LUXURY GOODS Europeans were interested in trade with the Far East. CHINA INDIA . They wanted These types of goods included silk, spices, and porcelain . Luxury goods

Europeans developed a taste for luxury goods from the Far East. His journey lasted 24 years and his stories raised awareness throughout Europe about the very existence of Far East Marco Polo : an Italian who traveled overland to China in the 1200’s and kept a detailed journal of his journey.

8 The Crusades :series of religious wars fought by Christians to take back Holy Land from Muslims in the Middle East. The Christians failed, however….. I developed a sweet-tooth from all that sugar! Aha! This clothing is silky soft! What’s it called? European Crusaders returned to Europe from the Middle East now more familiar with “Luxury goods”-sugar, spices, and silk. As a result, European trade markets demanded more luxury goods!

9 Maybe the Earth really isn’t flat?!?!
Factor #3: The Renaissance The Renaissance ( s) : means “rebirth of knowledge”. Europeans became more educated and interested in scientific explanations of the world around them. Knowledge of the world increased. Ideas spread more quickly and people became more curious and willing to challenge old myths. Maybe the Earth really isn’t flat?!?!

10 AIM: / 10 /2018 What led to the Age of Exploration? Q Think about a piece of technology that has changed your life. Briefly explain HOMEWORK: You have an additional day to complete last night’s homework

11 How did Europeans travel to the Far East before the 1400s?
Silk Road: an ancient trade route that connected Europe to Asia. It was used by European merchants. Describe the risks of such a route: Overland journey more than 4,000 miles Constant risk of being attacked Dangerous and difficult terrain made up of deserts and mountains

12 New Technologies Printing Press: Factor # 4 I’ll call it
Blue Highway Lincot! New Technologies Cool Font G-berg! Printing Press: Johan Gutenberg’s invention made printing books on a mass scale possible KEY QUESTION: What affect did the Printing Press have on communication? More books = News spreads quickly =Increased knowledge about the world =People became more curious to explore

13 New navigation technologies
Astrolabe A navigation instrument that enabled sailors to determine their line of latitude.

14 sailors could accurately pinpoint direction even in bad weather.
Compass: sailors could accurately pinpoint direction even in bad weather.

15 A Portuguese ship that was designed to handle well in rough seas.
Caravel A Portuguese ship that was designed to handle well in rough seas. Triangle sails made it easy to change direction and possible to travel into the wind. KEY QUESTION: How did new technologies affect and improve communication and travel?

16 Q AIM: 10/ 11 /2018 Take out last night’s h.w. HOMEWORK:
What motivated Europeans to explore? Q Take out last night’s h.w. HOMEWORK: 1.Test Corrections: On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the entire question that you got wrong. Then, rewrite the correct answer with a brief explanation of why it is the correct choice. 2. Finish G Activity

17 Q AIM: 10/ 12 /2018 Hand in Test Corrections and G HOMEWORK:
Who contributed to the Age of Exploration? Q Hand in Test Corrections and G HOMEWORK:

18 Main motivations for European Exploration
The 3 G’s Gold Glory God

19 The First G: Gold It is really wealth, not just literal gold that explorers were after. Europeans also wanted spices Other natural resources would come to be sold for profit as well (timber, sugar, grain, and tobacco)

20 The 2nd G: Glory With the rise of the printing press, the idea of gaining fame for one’s actions was more possible Also, individual kings wanted glory for their kingdoms

21 The 3rd G: God Europeans had always seen spreading Christianity as a good thing Europeans wanted to convert native people of newly discovered land into a particular brand of Christianity

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