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In your assigned groups:

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Presentation on theme: "In your assigned groups:"— Presentation transcript:

1 In your assigned groups:
Identify the device (only) that corresponds to numbers 1-13 in the “Letter.”- record it in your notes. According to your assigned #s, prepare an explanation for that specific device(s). Record the definition (the what) of the device and its rhetorical effect (the why/how). According to your assigned #s, examine the letter to develop the answer The author uses__________ to __________________________ to argue that ________________________ (against slavery).

2 Presentation Presenters: Audience/Class
Announce which numbers you have been assigned, point out the devices on the written on page, and identify devices they are analyzing. teach each rhetorical device used. explain how the device supports Benjamin Banneker's purpose to persuade TJ to take action against slavery. Fill in your own chart as presenters teach you. Record notes in your one note about the rhetorical device Come up with 1 follow up question for each presenter.

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