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Parts, existence of, origin,

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1 Parts, existence of, origin,
BLACK HOLES Parts, existence of, origin,

2 What is a Black Hole? The most compact objects imaginable are predicted by General Relativity to have such strong gravity that nothing can escape. They call it a black hole because the gravitational force even traps light so we will never see the surface.

3 How do they form? When the star burns all of its nuclear fuel it has no heat to counter the force of gravity. After that the star collapses in on itself. The size of the original star determines whether it becomes a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. The biggest of the original stars form into black holes.

4 Parts of Black Hole: Jets of Gas
Hot gas is often found streaming out of the area of a black hole These streams of gas can be millions of light years in length They are most likely due to the charged particles spiraling rapidly around the magnetic fields rotating around the black hole Jets of Gas are not seen around all black holes

5 Parts of Black Hole: Accretion Disc
Particles of matter that spin around the black hole. As they spin and collide with each other cause heat to be generated. Sometimes the particles get so hot that X-rays are emitted

6 Parts of Black Hole: Event Horizon
Referred to as the fastest phenomenon known to exist, all matter within a certain distance of a black hole will disappear forever The distance estimated as an imaginary sphere around the black hole is known as the Event Horizon As long as an object does not come within the Event Horizon, it can escape Once inside though, matter will be crushed to a single point where it reaches an infinite density This point is known as singularity

7 The effect of Singularity
At the center of a black hole lies the Singularity. Here the matter is crushed to infinite density Space time has infinite curvature, so it is no longer meaningful to speak of space and time In other words, with this infinite density space and time cease to exist

8 Two Black Holes Karl Schwarzschild would say it becomes a non-rotating, spherically symmetric black hole Roy Kerr would say it becomes a rotating, spherical black hole Both black holes do not change with time, unless disturbed in some way Both black holes start out with an electric charge, but soon attract too much of the opposite charge causing them to have a zero charge So, black holes possess only mass and momentum

9 Journey to Event Horizon

10 Trip into a Black Hole If you were to watch something enter a black hole you would see that object with no bottom to hit then suddenly it would disappear. Scientists theorize that if you were to make it to event horizon, that space and time are scrambled possibly making time travel or traveling to another dimension possible.

11 How Can We See Black Holes
We cannot literally "see" a black hole because not even light can escape its gravitational pull Although, we see the effects of black holes on nearby matter For example, the gas of a nearby star might be pulled towards the black hole The gravitational energy from the black hole would heat the gas to millions of degrees As a result, X-ray emissions can be spotted and point out the presence of the black hole These results are becoming more frequent, although the only way black holes' presence can be proven is by the observation of gravitational waves

12 Gravitational Waves Gravitational waves are a disturbance in the curvature of space time caused by the motions of matter Gravitational waves weaken proportionally with the distance it travels from the source

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