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Creating Speakers: 3) Teaching Methods

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1 Creating Speakers: 3) Teaching Methods
Owennatekha (Brian Maracle) A.N.L.R.I. Fairbanks May 21-24, 2018

2 Montreal * Six Nations * Detroit * Boston * New York *

3 3 out of 6 languages still spoken 13,000 people living on-reserve
Six Nations 3 out of 6 languages still spoken 13,000 people living on-reserve 2 First-Language Mohawk speakers (2,000 speakers live in the East)

4 Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa
(Our Language Society) 1999 Full-time adult immersion Two years long Prog. Co-ordinator Founded with wife Based on work of Kanatawakhon Create “fluent” speakers Like this one:

5 * Adult Immersion Program (Year 1 & Year 2)
* On-Line Program * Youtube: onkwawenna kentyohkwa * web:

6 #2 Simple-to-Complex Curriculum #3 Teaching Method
Four Presentations #1 Root-Word Method #2 Simple-to-Complex Curriculum #3 Teaching Method #4 Assessments & Goals Not 1st lang speaker, Parents not speak Not studied linguisitcs No teacher training Based on experience only Trial and error Finished 19 years, learned seven lessons

7 How Do We Do It?

8 A big part of learning any language is



11 red = someone  something wakenòn:we’s = It likes me.
kenòn:we’s = I like it. red = someone  something wakenòn:we’s = It likes me. blue = something  someone konnòn:we’s = I like you. purple = someone  someone

12 Flashcards Spaced Repetition Anki Quizlet Cram index cards

13 Teaching in Immersion from Day 1, Minute 1 demo

14 Teach in Pairs No-English

15 You Don’t Become a Speaker By Studying
(although it helps) You Become a Speaker By Speaking Students must speak in class Story-telling

16 Students learn vocabulary by recognizing what a new word sounds like.
Learn By Ear First Students learn vocabulary by recognizing what a new word sounds like. Then they learn how to say it.


18 Comprehensible Input through: Content & Delivery

19 Calisthenics


21 Students have regular writing assignments.

22 Homework Speak! Write! Text!

23 Owennatekha (Brian Maracle)

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