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Bell-ringer: 3 minutes 1. How does the type or location of a living thing determine what becomes a fossil? Copy CCSS/MS, Objectives, HW If missing a grade…

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Presentation on theme: "Bell-ringer: 3 minutes 1. How does the type or location of a living thing determine what becomes a fossil? Copy CCSS/MS, Objectives, HW If missing a grade…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell-ringer: 3 minutes 1. How does the type or location of a living thing determine what becomes a fossil? Copy CCSS/MS, Objectives, HW If missing a grade… copy directions in folder

2 Mantra Today is a great day for science because: science is power.
You are powerful because: I always make a difference.

3 Agenda Class Website!! / Parent-signed notes?
Paper Return/ Grade Sheets/ Collection (Make-up work?) Fossil Review Remodel Evidence vs. Explanations, Limitation of fossil record Make-up Work / Scientific Method Review Summary/ questions/ feedback

4 Paper return/ Grade Sheet Update
Your Name Class/Period Miss Krichten Grade Sheet No. Name of Assignment Unit Name Date Points Earned 4. Scientific Method Quiz Inquiry 8/17/15 5. 1st Attempt: Fossil Model 8/19/15 6. 2nd Attempt: Fossil Model 8/25/15

5 Causes Decay Fossilization /Location
Review Causes Decay Fossilization /Location

6 Causes Decay Fossilization
Review Causes Decay Fossilization (examples) /Location Predation - Temperature drop - Water & Earth Toxins - Muscles stiffen - TIME!!! Age -Blood pools - Soil replaces bones Asteroid impacts -Insides “melt” - Earth becomes rock Climate change - Bacteria/Insects - Erosion to find it Volcanoes - Oozing Glaciation - Disintegration Sea Rise - Bones left

7 Any last questions? Remodel: Individually Silently At your own desk
Fill out all parts of chart

8 Alive, then Decays (how?) Fossilized
animal (how?) dies (how?) Deep under- ground (how?)

9 Performance Task Rubric

10 Evidence vs. Explanations

11 Evidence vs. Explanations
What is the problem with relying on the fossil record to tell the full history of life on the planet? What can this tell us about using evidence in general?

12 Last Items Summary: Understanding the fossil record can tell us
_______________________________________________ Feedback Frontier Class points from last week Make Up Work OR Review Scientific Method (Worm question unanswered in packet – Last page)

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