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Welcome to Kindergarten

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1 Welcome to Kindergarten
Orientation Hansen’s Helping Hands

2 Communication with Mrs. Hansen
is the best: Phone Call: Call Lake Wilderness (413) Find Beth Hansen in the directory. Website for classroom information:

3 Classroom Expectations
The Wildcat Way Every Day I am Safe I am Respectful I am Responsible I am a LEARNER I am a Wildcat!

4 Communication Most of my communication is sent through email.
Student Backpacks: Sometimes reminders and other information will come home in your child’s backpack. Please check backpacks each school day.

5 Homework Please help your child complete the tasks on the Homework Calendar. Complete the required list of activities, then return it at the end of the month. You are welcome to purchase a workbook or print forms from the internet for your child to use for extra practice. READ, READ, READ every day!!!!!

6 I Can Read Binder The “I Can Read Binder” is sent home each Monday.
Read it with your child and return the following Monday. Several items are in the binder: Letter poems Sight word poems Alphabet chart List of kindergarten sight words

7 Read at Home Program Read-At-Home Books: This program provides an opportunity for your child to bring home a book to read that is at your child’s reading level. This program begins in December.

8 Classroom Needs Please Donate: Disinfectant wipes

9 Birthdays The Tahoma School District has adopted a no food/no candy policy for birthday celebrations. If you wish to send in something special for your child’s birthday, please find a non-food, non-candy item for them to hand out at the end of the day on their birthday.  

10 Going Home Passes Make sure everything is correct
If something is incorrect or missing: Correct it on the pass Talk to Mrs. Hansen after orientation Go to the office and report the change Secure the pass to your child’s backpack and keep it there all year.

11 Absenses Please call , press or say 2, then press or say 1. That will automatically put you into the safe arrival voice mail. At that point, please leave the name of the student(s), the teacher(s) name and the reason for the absence. Contact the office each day that your child is absent. If you are going on vacation, please get a prearranged absence form online at the LW website.

12 Going Home From School Pick up parents - Please wait at the benches for your child. Bus parents – I will walk your child to the bus every day. If your child’s going home routine changes please: Call the Lake Wilderness Elementary office Send a note with your child. Try having them carry it in hand or pin it to their coat or backpack so that I am sure to see it.

13 Lunch at LWES This year lunch will be after recess, for the first time. As we establish procedures, I will keep you up-to-date on how it’s going. 20 minutes in lunchroom if you have lunch concerns. Lunch Cost: $2.75/student- includes milk Adult Lunch Cost: $4.50 Milk .60

14 More about Lunch Hot Lunch: I recommend that you download a monthly lunch calendar from the website, decide which days your child will buy hot lunch and pay for those lunches once a month through online payments or send a check to school in a labeled envelope. If your child does not bring a lunch, the lunchroom will provide your child with one and you will be charged. Children may charge up to $8.25 before they are given a cheese sandwich and milk only for lunch. Please pay attention to your child’s lunch account.

15 Lunch From Home If your child brings a lunch, please put it into a lunch box and not a bag. Sometimes bags break and the birds sometimes get into the bags at lunch recess. Milk Money: .60 Chocolate and White Please send milk money in a Ziplock bag or container in your child’s lunch box. Your child will pay for their milk in the lunchroom.

16 Sending in Money ALWAYS mark with your child’s name, what it is for and the amount Example: Parker Hansen, Lunch Money, $20.00 Put the money in a SEALED envelope or Ziploc bag.

17 Volunteering If you want to volunteer in the class:
You MUST complete paperwork. Use the Tahoma School District Website to complete registration. It is found in the Families tab. Volunteering will not begin until OCTOBER. Volunteer dates and times will be sent out in an using “Sign Up Genius”. Field Trip Chaperones must also complete the online registration.

18 Early Release Days Every Friday (except for a few Fridays in June) is an early release day for the Tahoma School District. Students attend school from 8:40- 1:40. Students will need a lunch or lunch money. .

19 Snack Students are able to bring a healthy snack to their morning and afternoon recess. Please send two healthy snacks.

20 Reminders Monday (Sept. 11th) is the FIRST regular day of Kindergarten!!! Secure the going home pass to your child’s backpack. You may walk your child to our meeting spot on the first day of school.

21 Other Important Details
Join PTSA!!!!! You get updates of things going on. Helping out is optional, but being aware of things going on at school is great. Buy Wildcat Cash through PTSA. Classroom Donations will also come home through . Pumpkin Patch Field Trip- Mid-October

22 Questions???


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