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Sedgemoor District Council

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Presentation on theme: "Sedgemoor District Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedgemoor District Council
Leisure Fund Colin Johnson Jane Knowles

2 SASPs Role To develop and aid the management of the grant allocation and monitoring processes

3 Outcomes for Today Introductions Eligibility Profiling of areas
Introduce criteria Small group discussions on projects / ideas / partnerships Feedback to whole group Application process and timescales

4 Eligible Area – see handout

5 Demographic changes to 2019
Population projections by local authority area ( ) (000s) Sedgemoor 116.9 117.8 118.7 119.7 120.7 121.7 122.7 5.8 5.0 % South West 5,372.4 5,408.7 5,445.2 5,483.2 5,520.6 5,558.3 5,595.5 223.1 4.2 % England 53,843.6 54,227.9 54,613.4 55,019.8 55,414.5 55,811.8 56,198.3 2,354.7 4.4

6 Inactivity in England by Age (2011)

7 Activity levels 2015 Physically active and inactive adults Rate
Sedgemoor South West England % Active 56.1 % 59.4 % 57.0 % % Inactive 29.7 % 26.3 % 27.7 %

8 Sport and Active Recreation (3x30 mins), APS6

9 Sport and Active Recreation (3x30 mins), APS6

10 Satisfaction with local sports provision
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Indicator Sedgemoor South West England 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 KPI3 - Club Membership in the last 4 weeks 24.8 % 19.5 % 22.6 % 18.1 % 24.0 % 22.7 % 22.4 % 22.8 % 21.0 % 21.6 % 21.8 % KPI4 - Received tuition or coaching in last 12 months 17.6 % 15.5 % 16.5 % 15.8 % 16.8 % 17.3 % 16.1 % 18.0 % 16.4 % 15.6 % KPI5 - Took part in organised competition in last 12 months 15.2 % 12.4 % 9.6 % 16.2 % 15.7 % 14.9 % 14.4 % 11.2 % 13.3 % KPI6 - Very/fairly satisfied with local sports provision 59.1 % 61.2 % 58.8 % 64.1 % 64.7 % 60.3 % 61.6 % 61.8 %

11 Criteria Older People Accessibility New Participants Sustainability
Inactive people Women and Girls Governance Arrangements

12 Discussion Groups 1. 2 mins per person discussing your project. (max.15 mins) Please outline the organisation that is applying a basic summary of the project who the project is aimed at How will your project encourage and sustain participation from all or any of the following groups: * older people * women and girls * disabled people * sustainability * inactive people * new participants * anti-social behaviour Feedback on how you are targeting these groups Max.15 mins

13 Suggested Timescales for Application
Deadline Date Action 18th/27th April 2016 Community Consultations 17th June 2016 Deadline for Stage 1 applications By 1st July 2016 Agree Stage 2 invitees By July 8th 2016 Invite Stage 2 applications 31st August 2016 Deadline for Stage 2 applications

14 Suggested Timescales for Post Application
Deadline Date Action 9th Sept 2016 Assess Stage 2 applications 21st September 2016 Draft recommendations and report for members 7th October 2016 Final report with recommendations 31st March 2016 Post Project Report

15 For more information For Stage 1 application form download from
For Stage 1 application form hard copy and more information please contact: Colin Johnson

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