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Austerity, investment and profit

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Presentation on theme: "Austerity, investment and profit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Austerity, investment and profit
Michael Roberts Rio, June 2018

2 Trump’s fiscal stimulus

3 Sluggish growth

4 Advanced economies: spending rose before the GFC

5 Emerging economies: also

6 Investment is the swing factor

7 Business investment drops the most

8 Keynesian identities Let us consider these identities. We start with:
National income = national expenditure.  National income can then be broken down to Profit + Wages; and National expenditure can be broken down to Investment + Consumption.  So Profit + Wages = Investment + Consumption.  Now if we assume that wages are all spent on consumption and not saved, then Profits = Investment.

9 The cycle of profit

10 A world rate of profit

11 Investment follows profitability

12 Capex and net income

13 Profits call the tune

14 Keynes versus Marx Let us return to the Keynes-Kalecki macro identity. It can be re-designed as: Investment – (non-capitalist) Savings = Profits But the Marxist logic is that the causal connection is the opposite. Thus the equation looks like this. Profits + (non-capitalist) Savings = Investment

15 Deviation from the pre-crisis IMF real growth forecast and fiscal tightening

16 The Krugman multiplier

17 The Keynesian multiplier

18 China: Keynes or Marx?

19 Government spending before crises

20 The Marxist multiplier

21 Comparing the two

22 Brazil: Keynesian multiplier

23 Brazil: Marxist multiplier

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