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Deep Learning of Astronomical Spectroscopy

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Presentation on theme: "Deep Learning of Astronomical Spectroscopy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep Learning of Astronomical Spectroscopy
J. Xavier Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz) Also starring: D. Parks, S. Dong, Z. Cai, V. Jankov

2 Who am I? J. Xavier Prochaska
Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics -- Spectroscopist (Former) Astronomer of UC Observatories First-class programmer (I think) Obsessed fan of Deep Learning Poised to dedicate the rest(?!) of my career to this adventure

3 Spectroscopy Astronomy Astrophysics Discovery, color, shape, location
Velocity, composition, density, mass

4 Spectrum 2D Spectrum (Image) 1D Spectrum (array)

5 (Large) Spectral Datasets
SDSS/BOSS (present) DESI (future) Spectra of ~1 million sources Spectra of ~20 million sources

6 Hydrogen Atom: “Lyman Alpha”
By A_hidrogen_szinkepei.jpg: User:Szdoriderivative work: OrangeDog (talk • contribs) - A_hidrogen_szinkepei.jpg, CC BY 2.5,


8 Damped Lya System (Galaxy)

9 CNN Classification + Spectral Analysis
400 pixel window Parks, X, Dong, Cai 2018

10 CNN Results Galaxy Surface Galaxy Redshift Density (position)
Parks, X, Dong, Cai 2018

11 New Results CNN learned to ignore sky line Parks, X, Dong, Cai 2018

12 Peering into the Black Box..
Did the CNN learn the Lorentzian profile?!

13 SPectral Image Typing (SPIT)
Jankov & X 2018

14 Future Work: U-net for Feature Detection
Cai & X 2019

15 Future Work: GAN for outlier detection
X & Huertas-Company 2019

16 Future Work: RNN for system detection
Dong et al. 2019

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