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Overview 2018.

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1 Overview 2018

2 Vision, mission & guiding principles
Vision: PCPI is a national catalyst to achieve optimal health outcomes. Mission: PCPI partners to bring the voices of patients and clinicians together to advance the science and practice of measurement and improvement.  Guiding Principles Align with the national goals of better care, smarter spending and healthier people Lead through partnerships with PCPI member organizations and others Focus on improvement within the U.S. health care delivery system Be a hub in the learning health care system © 2017 PCPI Foundation. All rights reserved.

3 PCPI Members: Our Community
PCPI is an organization of organizations Members and staff of PCPI-member organizations are eligible for all member privileges and benefits (eligible individuals) When they join or at any time, member organizations identify specific individuals to be their PCPI key contact and voting representative(s) Eligible individuals register on our website to indicate interest in participating in our programs Our structures include the Board of Directors and program Advisory Committees. Some programs have program-specific committees, task forces or work groups Advisory Committee participation is by annual organization nomination Structure(s) What they do How to participate Board, Advisory Committees Governance & oversight Organization nomination Program-specific committees With staff support, carry out PCPI’s activities Register, indicate program interest then contact AC chair or a member of PCPI staff PCPI’s Online Community enables interaction above and beyond these structures and our conferences.

4 The value of your PCPI membership
Network with organizations similar to yours, as well as other health care stakeholders interested in improving the health care delivery system Access the latest tools and insight on performance measurement, clinical registries and quality improvement Influence through representation on the PCPI board, committees, advisory and other, as well as technical expert panels and task forces Solve problems by participation in “boots on the ground” learning communities Learn from experts at meetings and training sessions Member Benefits including access to members-only services as well as discounted rates for meetings, educational events, consulting and other offerings Inform your colleagues of what your organization is doing through the online member community and PCPI’s various communication platforms.

5 PCPI: Working together towards a new future
Leader in the performance measurement and clinical registry communities for 17 years, originally convened by the AMA Independent 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated June 17, 2015 Multistakeholder Board of Directors Expanded membership model in response to rapidly changing health care environment Value-based care Patient and consumer focus Data-driven improvement Providers: societies, associations, health systems Patients and consumers Payers and evaluators: Federal gov’t., plans, employers Supporting infrastructure: health IT vendors, SDOs & QI orgs PCPI

6 Our programs and initiatives
Measurement Science: Catalyze relevant, meaningful, collaborative performance measurement efforts Flagship program, convened in 2000 Measure Advisory Committee* (MAC) NQRN: Promote increased use and utility of clinical registries Improve interoperability Convened in 2011 NQRN Steering Committee* Quality Improvement: Become a catalyst and clearinghouse of resources that foster improved quality, safety and satisfaction Convened in 2014 Quality Improvement Advisory Committee* (QIAC) Measurement Science NQRN® Quality Improvement *Advisory Committee to the PCPI Board of Directors

7 NQRN: An Overview NQRN®
National Quality Registry Network NQRN is a voluntary network of PCPI member organization-affiliated individuals interested in clinical registries. NQRN is an integral component and key, ongoing strategic program to advance the mission of the PCPI. NQRN promotes the increased utility of health data from registries to improve health outcomes, and seeks to advance interoperability between registries and other clinical information systems. © 2017 PCPI Foundation. All rights reserved.

8 QI Program Overview PCPI facilitates member organizations engaging with, and learning from one another, as well as external experts, through in-person and virtual learning opportunities to bring QI projects and programs to scale and spread. Leadership Circle – focuses on the most challenging issues facing leaders in health care performance improvement today; provides opportunity to discuss and problem solve Leading practices webinar series – highlights success stories from the field Skills-building webinar series – provides hands-on training in QI methods and tools Conference programming – features examples that demonstrate action and progress PCPI Online Community – facilitate real-time interactivity peers throughout the performance and quality improvement among PCPI member organizations Available at member and non-member rates © 2017 PCPI Foundation. All rights reserved.

9 PCPI Measurement Science: An Overview
PCPI is nationally recognized as a leader in measure development, specification, and testing PCPI’s measure development portfolio includes: 47 measurement sets; >300 individual measures ~90 NQF-endorsedTM measures Many measures in federal programs including CMS PQRS and EHR incentive program The PCPI measurement science programs aims to build on that reputation to advance new and innovative measures and measurement methodologies, with a focus on supporting the work of PCPI member organizations. © 2017 PCPI Foundation. All rights reserved.

10 Expanded BOD & Membership
All member organizations have a vote, participate in governance and pay dues Independent 501(c)(3) Consumer and patient organizations MD/DO accreditation and licensing organizations Employers MD/DO specialty and state societies Health care professional organizations Pharmacies Health care accreditation and licensing organizations Quality improvement organizations Health information technology organizations AMA and the CMSS (reserved rights) Health plans Federal and state government (non-voting liaison) Health systems, hospitals, clinics

11 Board responsibilities
The Board is the principal governing body which has broad oversight & fiduciary responsibilities including oversight of the Executive Director Selecting the officers from among the voting members of the board Developing & approving a strategic plan & annual prioritized strategic activities Approving the budget, upon the recommendation of the Treasurer & Finance Committee Approving changes to the Bylaws including of specific activities within the Scope of PCPI Activities Adopting policies & procedures Approving position statements Appointing the chair(s) of subcommittees of the board Appointing the chair(s) of Advisory Committees from the board Creating, modifying & disbanding committees, technical advisory panels & programs Requesting reports from programs, committees & technical advisory panels Establishing dues, fees & assessments of voting member organizations Participating in other duties as requested by the Chair, after consultation with the Director & the Executive Director

12 Chair responsibilities
Chair: primary officer of the Board   lead strategic planning activities preside over & direct the preparation of agendas for Board, Executive Committee & other meetings ensure the PCPI’s presence on national health care quality & physician performance and/or outcomes measurement organizations, committees & groups serve as the primary spokesperson for the Board promote a sound working relationship between the Board & the Executive Director make assignments for the Directors act as President of the PCPI Foundation when action by a President is legally required vote only to break ties on matters before the Board, Executive Committee & member organizations perform such other duties as reasonably requested by the Board

13 Other officer responsibilities
Vice-chair assumes the responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of or at the discretion of the Chair Chair of the Long Range Measures Priorities Subcommittee  Treasurer presents the proposed PCPI budget for review & approval by the Board Chair of the Finance Subcommittee Secretary maintains the records of the PCPI Chair of the Bylaws Subcommittee

14 Executive Director responsibilities
Management of day to day activities & managing PCPI staff in accordance with the mission, goals & priorities of the PCPI Management of the budget Negotiating with external parties on behalf of the PCPI, with direction from the Executive Committee or Chair Assisting the Chair in the development of Board meeting agendas Consulting with the Chair on major operating decisions & making decisions along with the Chair regarding specific activities Risk management Speaking on behalf of the PCPI

15 PCPI Leadership Team Executive Director & CEO Kevin Donnelly,
(312) Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer Marjorie Rallins, DPM, MSMI (312) Measurement Science Diedra Gray, MPH Director of Measure Implementation (312) NQRN Seth Blumenthal, MBA Director of Data and Innovation (312) Quality Improvement Stephen L. Davidow, MBA-HCM, CPHQ, APR Director of Quality Improvement (312) Samantha Tierney, MPH Director of Measure Development (312) © 2017 PCPI Foundation. All rights reserved.

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