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Presented By: Peter Rusakovich

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1 Presented By: Peter Rusakovich
Employment Documents Presented By: Peter Rusakovich

2 We Will Discuss Cover Letters Thank You Letters Job Applications

3 Cover Letters A cover letter is just as important as your resume.  It is an opportunity to personalize your resume and sell your skills.

4 Cover Letters Include In your Cover Letter:
Heading and greeting Include the date, your name and your contact information. Address the letter to a specific name and/or title whenever possible. Opening and introduction Explain who you are and your reason for writing, including how you found out about the position. Body Sell yourself. Reveal why you are a perfect and unique match for the position. Explain why you have chosen the employer. Assertive closing Politely take initiative toward further action and next contact. Don’t use a generic, form-like cover letter. Use these tips to write a fresh and informative cover letter:

5 Thank You Letters Submit a thank you letter for all Interviews
Saying “thank you” is not only the right thing to do, it is also an effective job search strategy. A thank-you note is another opportunity to sell your qualifications and leave a positive impression on the reader.  Submit a thank you letter for all Interviews

6 Thank You Letters What should I include in my thank-you note?
Statement of appreciation for the opportunity Expression of continued interest in the job Brief restatement of qualifications and skills Additional information you failed to mention Final thank you for their consideration Date and time you will follow up as previously agreed

7 Thank You Letters Any other thank-you letter or note writing tips?
Write the note no later than 24 hours after the interview, even if the interview didn’t go well. Address the note to the interviewer by name and title. Send a separate, and slightly varied, thank- you note to each person you interviewed with, or send a single thank you to a key person for distribution.

8 Job Applications Arrive prepared with the information you need. Be sure to bring your resume, social security card, driver's license, etc. You probably will also need addresses and phone numbers of previous employers, as well as starting and ending salaries for each previous job. It's always better if have too much information than not enough.

9 Job Applications Write very neatly
Make sure your resume matches your application Read and follow instructions carefully Don’t leave any blanks Don't provide any negative information (like being fired) Always answer questions truthfully Don’t be specific about salary requirements. Provide References (Coworkers, bosses, teachers, counselors)

10 We Discussed Cover Letters Thank You Letters Job Applications

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