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Fashion Advertising BRANDING. Its all about. So what is a brand? A brand is a sophisticated Communication System. Its a useful Organizational System.

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion Advertising BRANDING. Its all about. So what is a brand? A brand is a sophisticated Communication System. Its a useful Organizational System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion Advertising BRANDING. Its all about

2 So what is a brand? A brand is a sophisticated Communication System. Its a useful Organizational System.

3 So what is a brand? A brand is a sophisticated Communication System

4 In marketing, a brand is: the symbolic embodiment of all the information connected with a product or service. Brand Defined

5 A brand typically includes a name, logo, and other visual elements such as images or symbols. Parts of a Brand

6 A brand typically includes a name, logo, and other visual elements such as images or symbols. clothing.html clothing.html Parts of a Brand

7 So what is a brand? Its a useful Organizational System. It also encompasses the set of expectations associated with a product or service which typically arise in the minds of people.

8 So what is a brand? Its a useful Organizational System. Such people include: Employees of the brand company, People involved with distribution, sale or Supply of the product or service, And ultimate consumers. oSource:

9 So how do designers brand their fashion lines? ____________________________________________________ Designer Audit Look at your ads. Who are your designers? Tell me Jot down the names Branding How do the designers weve listed on the board use various branding techniques?

10 What is effective fashion advertising? Peggy and Arthur Winters Checklist: 1.Has the ads target consumer been effectively profiled? 2.Does the ad have an objective? 3.Is the strategy based on product benefits vs. consumer benefits or both?

11 What is effective fashion advertising? Peggy and Arthur Winters Checklist: 4.Does the ad build brand character? 5.Does the tactical execution of copy and art create a tone for the ad that relates to the target consumer?

12 Retail Advertising

13 Retail Advertising H&M Outdoor Ad

14 Brand Advertising

15 Institutional Advertising All Cotton Growers

16 Trade Advertising

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