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Other people see things and say Why? …. But I dream things that never were and say Why not? George Bernard Shaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Other people see things and say Why? …. But I dream things that never were and say Why not? George Bernard Shaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other people see things and say Why? …. But I dream things that never were and say Why not? George Bernard Shaw



4 WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU- Entrepreneurship (EDP) RAHUL JAIN (Striving for excellence) BCOM (H), MBA, FCS

5 Aim of the Module To train and develop students to become effective Entrepreneurs. To understand the planning process required for setting up a small business.

6 COURSE GUIDELINES Meaning of Entrepreneurship Various types of industries Steps to set up an Enterprise Banking and finance Industrial / commercial laws Project identification and compilation of project reports

7 Learning Outcomes Understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur Understand how to raise funds Have an idea of regulatory requirements of staring and running a business Be able to create a rudimentary business plan

8 Focus Points Entrepreneurship – the motivations, the risks, rewards, impact Seeing opportunities, identifying profitable opportunities Creating a business plan- its content and importance as a tool Starting a company and the regulatory requirements Raising money to start the business-bootstrapping, enrolling investors to your plan Getting loans- what do banks need Selling and getting the first clients What makes my business different than competition? Building a team- getting people to believe in the venture Making mistakes, changing plans, mutilating, adapting to what customers want Cash flows – the oxygen of any business Project- creating a business plan and presenting to potential investors/stakeholders

9 Our Strategy for achieving these Objectives? Concepts, Cases and Class Discussion Punctuality, Participation and Preparation (Its compulsory to bring your own calculators, Pen, Stationary, Registers, Prescribed Book, Printouts of the Emailed documents- Otherwise necessary disciplinary action will be taken) Judgment challenge Learning to communicate ideas Learning from each other Learning through discovery

10 Some Important rules Switch off your Mobiles Attendance rules will be strictly applied Non completion of Assignment will lead to strict disciplinary measures Students can gather additional bonus points by being a Star Performer in the whole course. Students falling in the Improvement category would be penalized. If Attendance is less than 75% then one grade will be reduced in respective Viva/Exam/Log Process.

11 I dont design clothes, I design dreams. - Ralph Lauren - 11 -

12 Brooklyn Bridge in the New York city stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. Its a tribute to the engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was considered mad by half the world. BROOKLYN BRIDGE THE VISION OF JOHN ROEBLING

13 Case of IPL Out of Box Thinking Able to raise around $2 billion for BCCI One of the Most successful Cricket tournament Satisfied all the stakeholders of the Cricket

14 Entrepreneurship Development By- Rahul Jain

15 Today… Introduction to Entrepreneurship Economist's view Calculated Risk Entrepreneurial Competencies Classification of Entrepreneur Economic Development

16 What is Entrepreneurship? Organizing a business venture and assuming the risk for it. An entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to convert a new idea into a successful venture. Entrepreneurship is a process of converting a new idea into a successful venture

17 Entrepreneurship Founding entrepreneur who identifies the opportunity and moves to exploit it commercially. Often it is the founder (or founding team) who possesses much of the technical and managerial knowledge that make-up the tangible and intangible assets of the firm. In sum, an entrepreneurs expanding knowledge base and absorptive capacity becomes an entrepreneurial firms competitive advantage (Alvarez and Busenitz 2001, p.766).

18 What is Entrepreneurship? Practice of starting new organizations or revitalizing mature organizations Particularly new businesses in response to identified opportunities. Entrepreneurial activities has a vast range It ranges in scale from solo projects to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages and assumes the risk of a business enterprise.

19 Who is an entrepreneur ? He who has a vision Has the hunger to make something from nothing Is Never Finished The Risk Factor He is having fun!!!

20 Calculated Risk We must estimate the cost and consequences Must weigh the cost against benefits Must analyze our resources thoroughly and maneuver them Time is of prime importance We must estimate & ensure protection against all odds

21 The Art of Entrepreneurship Most Crucial Resource PEOPLE Leadership The Military Concept Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Chang Yu says: "Benevolence and righteousness may be used to govern a state but cannot be used to administer an army. Expediency and flexibility are used in administration an army, but cannot be used in governing a state." Entrepreneurial Venture – Neither an army nor a state Middle of Leadership extremes Motivation

22 Entrepreneurship vs. Wage Employment Wage Employment Work for Others Follow instructions Routine job Earning is fixed, never negative Can choose from: Government Service Public sector Private sector Entrepreneurship Own boss Make own plans Creative activity Can be negative sometimes Can choose from: Trade Product or Service Enterprise

23 Entrepreneur vs. Manager Entrepreneur Involved with the start-up process Assumes financial, material and psychological risks Driven by perception of opportunity Initiates change Own boss Gets uncertain rewards Manager Involved with running the business Does not have to bear risks Driven by the resources he currently possesses Follows rules & procedures Hired employee Gets fixed rewards and salary

24 Entrepreneurial Competencies Initiative Sees and Acts on Opportunities Persistence Knowing/Information Concern for High Quality of Work Commitment to Work Contract Efficiency Orientation Systematic Planning Problem solving Self-confidence Assertiveness Persuasion Use of Influence Strategies Monitoring Concern for Employee Welfare

25 Classification of Entrepreneurs Trading Entrepreneur Industrial Entrepreneur Agricultural Entrepreneur

26 Economic Development Wealth creation Creation of jobs New technologies Improved products & services Improved standard of living Development of new markets Better/Optimal utilization of resources


28 Famous Fashion Entrepreneurs Ralph Lauren – the designer who provided luxury at all price points. He sold the clothes, but he also sold the fantastic, romanticized lives of the people who wear the clothesthe look of success. Ralph Lauren said People ask how can a Jewish kid from the Bronx do preppy clothes? Does it have to do with class and money? It has to do with dreams.

29 Famous Fashion Entrepreneurs Rene Lacoste was the one who bridged the gap between fashion and sports. Rohit Bal is known for his sophisticated cuts and breathing fabrics. He weaves in the best for both men and women. However, there is no one-signature style that the designer sticks to.

30 Fashion Entrepreneurship Fashion entrepreneurship is about combining design, business, and manufacturing knowledge Some things can be outsourced or bought in…but some things are critical for the fashion entrepreneur or the management team.

31 Ritu Kumar

32 Ritu Kumar ……………. Ritu began her venture with four hand-block printers and two tablets; in a small village near Kolkata in the late 60s was incidentally the first woman to introduce the boutique culture in India under the brand name Ritu. Today she has thirty four outlets in all major cities in India and one outlet in America

33 Critical Capabilities Capability 1: Ability to develop a new symbolic language - a style - that is experienced as distinctive, consistent, and new. Capability 2: Ability to manage the process of communication on which fashion depends.


35 Capabilities Ability to understand and manage strategic, marketing, financial and branding issues for the fledgling firm.

36 An Economists View Economists places emphasis on innovation, such as: New products New production methods New markets New forms of organization An entrepreneur forces "creative destruction" across markets and industries. Simultaneously creating new products and business models.

37 Individual Assignment: – I (To be shown in IInd class) Individual Assignment Make a folder/file of Learning Journal and Assignments 1) Individual Assignment- Writing of Key learnings of Videos, Readings & Class 1 in Learning Journal file (One page) 2) Individual Assignment: One page on start up lessons from: 0-startup-lessons-from-the-bollywood-movie-band-baaja- baraat/ 0-startup-lessons-from-the-bollywood-movie-band-baaja- baraat/ 3) Individual Personality exercise- Write the Vision statement of your life ( Both professional and personal) & Short term professional goals. ( In A4 sheet) Refer :,,

38 Readings for the Next class Idea and Opportunity (PPT Document) Business News

39 Class Assignment II- Email Submission on IIIrd Week: Group Submission- 29 th October Select a well-known fashion entrepreneur. Examine and research the factors, such as personal qualities, professional skills, and situational characteristics, which made the entrepreneur successful. You have to dress as per the look/style of fashion Entrepreneur 5 Minute PPT Provide References and Intext citations Email submission and upload on the internet: 2 days before the next class, 9811228852

40 VIVA 1 st November ( First three class topics & Assignments)

41 Thank You!

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