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Impact of Parameter Variations on Multi-core chips

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1 Impact of Parameter Variations on Multi-core chips
E. Humenay, D. Tarjan, K. Skadron Department of Computer Science University of Virginia

2 Motivation Process variations are projected to severely impact the yield of high-performance semiconductors Multi-core architectures have become the future trend of high-performance chips Understanding how process variations interact with CMPs is required

3 Variation Types PVT Variations Process Voltage Temperature
This work primarily focuses on process variations

4 Process Variations P variations stem from a variety of sources
Within-Die (WID) Die-to-Die (D2D) Wafer-to-Wafer (W2W) Core-to-Core (C2C)

5 WID Variations WID variations can be further sub-divided
Systematic (WIDsys) Random (WIDrand) Threshold voltage, Vth, and effective channel length, Leff, are the 2 parameters most susceptible to random variations Systematic Variations cause parameter values to be spatially correlated Can be modeled as deterministic or random WID variations cause C2C variations

6 Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL)
Ideally, Vth and Leff values are independent of each other The DIBL effect introduces a dependency DIBL causes there to be an exponential dependency between Leff and sub-threshold leakage

7 Modeling Methodology In order to estimate the impact of P variations on delay it is necessary to have a critical path (CP) model Prior CP models vary inputs into RC delay equation for Monte-Carlo analyses. Simplicity comes at the expense of accuracy.

8 CP Modeling: Prior Work
Fmax GCP model (Bowman, JSSC ‘02) Ncp ~ Number of critical paths Lcp ~ Number of gates in critical path (Logic Depth) Marculescu DAC ’05 Ncp ~ stage’s device count. Ncp Lcp

9 Importance of Ncp As Ncp increases mean delay increases and delay variation decreases Ncp

10 Modified CP Model Goal: More accurately describe each functional unit’s delay distribution in order to determine which functional units will affect the final frequency distribution Improvements Considering wire delay when determining Lcp Better Ncp assignments Importance of Weff:

11 Modified CP Model Categorize each stage as being either SRAM
or combinational logic SRAM L1s TLBs Register File Rename Map Issue Queue Logic Execution Units Decode Stage Issue Select Type Ncp Lcp Weff SRAM Hi Lo Lo/Hi LOGIC

12 SRAM model Modified version of CACTI 4.0 is used to estimate fraction of access time susceptible to device variations Ncp ~ number of read ports Weff is dependent on unit type L1 caches are assumed to be optimized for area (minimal sized Weff) Time critical SRAM units have larger widths (Assume 5x larger than min) Only consider variation in SRAM access time

13 Combinational Logic Model
Logic model is based off of Sklansky adder Delay modeled with Horowitz delay equation Critical path is carry circuitry Weff is chosen to alleviate fan-out delay

14 WIDrand: SRAM delay Because of large Ncp L1 is likely to be slowest SRAM unit Nominal Frequency is 3GHz

15 WIDrand: SRAM vs. Logic L1 will also be slower than logic

16 POWER4-like core scaled to 45nm
WIDsys Pattern WIDsys model is derived from actual measurements (Friedberg ISQED’05) Fast, High-leakage Leff 28 POWER4-like core scaled to 45nm 27 14mm 26 Slow, Low-leakage 25 14mm

17 Impact of WIDsys on Delay
WIDsys can cause frequency from core-to-core to differ by as much as 5% Large Lcp value causes combinational logic units to be more affected by WIDsys variation

18 Random Leakage Variation
WIDrand will not have an impact on leakage at the architectural level since total leakage is an aggregate sum Number of Transistors

19 C2C Leakage Variation Figure shows core leakage when considering all possible core locations on a die 3 different magnitudes of DIBL are considered BSIM suggests .15 (best-case)

20 Conclusions L1 caches will determine the WID mean frequency. Variations in other units will not directly affect the frequency distribution Considering wire delay in CP model causes device variations to have less of an impact on the frequency distribution WID variations do not result in significant C2C frequency differences At 45nm, C2C sub-threshold leakage variation may be as much as 45%

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