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E-Brochure System Follow-up Report to the Marketing Council Committee:

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Presentation on theme: "E-Brochure System Follow-up Report to the Marketing Council Committee:"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Brochure System Follow-up Report to the Marketing Council Committee:
Emily Bewg, MC, Jennifer Jauma, TC, Steve Lestarjette, DSTC, Debra Rockefeller, DSTC, Dan Starr, Cy-Fair

2 Issues: Discussion centered around:
1. The communication benefits of an e-Brochure system should be complemented by a systematic enrollment follow-up process for prospective students who request additional information. 2. Students should be able to download the e-Brochure they request without providing personal information.

3 Strategies: The committee recommended these steps:
1. That the Marketing Council facilitate a discussion of enrollment management processes at each college and how each college would follow-up with leads generated by the e-Brochure system.

4 Strategies: 2. That Jennifer Jauma (Tomball) contact the approved vendor to determine that: Data gathering by the system can import easily into Colleague. Students can opt out of follow-up by not providing personal information while still receiving a customized e-Brochure to print at home.

5 Strategies: 3. That query information from the system be entered into an enrollment management system manually until a full follow-up model can be discussed and developed. 4. That the system be tested at one college before being implemented district-wide. 5. That PIC conduct informal focus groups with high school students to determine if students prefer PDF brochures or another form of communication.

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