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“Kamala” and “Amongst the People”

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1 “Kamala” and “Amongst the People”
Siddhartha “Kamala” and “Amongst the People”

2 Think – Ink – Pair – Share
Read/listen to the quote/prompt. Write your thoughts. Discuss with your pod. Share with the class as a whole.

3 “Kamala” ”All this had always been and he has never seen it; he was never present. Now he was present and belonged to it” (Hesse 46). How has Siddhartha’s relationship with nature changed? What has changed in/for Siddhartha that made this possible? How could this be linked to his conversation with Gotama in Part 1?

4 “Kamala” “Siddhartha said: ‘Yesterday I told you I knew how to think, to wait and to fast, but you did not consider these useful…soon I will be a merchant and have money and all those things which you value’” (59). What does Siddhartha truly value? Govinda? Gotama? Kamala? Is there value in each of these? Do some out value others?

5 “Amongst the People” “Kamaswami read: ‘Writing is good, thinking is better. Cleverness is good, patience is better’” (65). Do you agree with what Siddhartha wrote? Why/why not?

6 “Amongst the People” “Like a player who plays with his ball, he played with his business…with his heart, with his real nature, he was not there. His real self wandered elsewhere, far away, wandered on and on invisibly and had nothing to do with his life” (71). What does Kamaswami’s business mean to Siddhartha? Why does he do this work? How does his time with the Samanas and Gotama continue to dominate Siddhartha’s life?

7 Siddhartha’s Goal “It is what fools call magic and what they think is caused by demons. Nothing is caused by demons; there are no demons. Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goal, if he can think, wait and fast” (60). “‘I am like you. You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice love as an art? Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can—that is their secret’” (73). What is Siddhartha’s goal? Has he come any closer to it since leaving? Was it ever love as it appeared? Does Siddhartha understand love?

8 The Dhammapada Loosely translates to “Path of Eternal Truth”
A collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form One of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures Illustration #273

9 Individual Directions
Read the chapter you receive from The Dhammapada Mark anything you find interesting that you could relate to Siddhartha and/or our previous notes Illustration #84

10 Group Creations Discuss your chapter with those that share the same reading Work together to create the following pieces relating your shared chapter to Siddhartha and our notes Analysis of chapter Thematic artwork Poem/song/verse Chart connecting readings Illustration #98

11 Jigsaw Presentations As a group you will be teaching your assigned chapter of The Dhammapada Make sure you share all pieces and information your group created and that each member takes part in the presentation Illustration #40

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