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Mitosis and Cell Division

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis and Cell Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis and Cell Division

2 New Cells About 2 trillion new cells each day.
About 25 million per second!! Cell division is also called cell reproduction

3 New Cells The type of cell division depends on the type of cell.
Prokaryotes divide differently than eukaryotes. -

4 Mitosis Cells getting ready to divide. Takes place continuously.
Non-reproductive cells. Takes place continuously. Except nerve cells. -

5 Stages of Mitosis Interphase
Most of the cell’s life cycle is spent in this phase. Cell increases in size just before the next phase begins. -

6 Stages of Mitosis Prophase Mitosis begins.
All organelles divide so number doubles. All DNA coils up into chromosomes. Chromosomes copy themselves. -

7 Chromosomes

8 Chromatids centromere chromatid Sister chromatids

9 Prophase

10 Stages of Mitosis Metaphase Chromosomes line up, break apart.
Each side contains all genetic information.-

11 Metaphase

12 Stages of Mitosis Anaphase
Broken halves of chromosome pulled to opposite sides of the cell. -

13 Anaphase

14 Stages of Mitosis Telophase Nucleus re-forms. Mitosis is complete.
Cell division almost done. -

15 Telophase

16 After Mitosis Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm divides and you have two distinct daughter cells. -

17 Cytokinesis

18 Interphase Inside nucleus Then, coils tightly into chromosomes. DNA is in long strands in the nucleus

19 Prophase Inside Cell nucleus

20 Replicated Chromosome
centromere Replicated Chromosome Chromosome

21 Metaphase Inside Cell Cell Equator

22 Anaphase Spindle fibers Centriole

23 Telophase

24 Cytokinesis

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