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Cell Division Chapter 10 Sec. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Division Chapter 10 Sec. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Division Chapter 10 Sec. 2

2 Mitosis Produces identical diploid cell
Occurs only in autosomal cells (body)

3 The Cell Cycle Repeating events that make up the life of a cell

4 Interphase Time between cell divisions G1 = growth phase
S phase = cell DNA is copied G2 phase = prepares for cell division

5 Cell Division M phase = mitosis , cell divides
Cytokinesis = cytoplasm divides

6 Mitosis Division of the nucleus Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

7 Prophase 1st phase Nuclear envelope disappears Spindle Fibers appear

8 Metaphase 2nd phase Chromosomes align in the middle of the cell
Kinetochore fibers attach to centromeres

9 Anaphase 3rd phase Chromatids begin to separate by kinetochore to opposite poles

10 Telophase 4th phase Chromatids reach opposite ends
Spindle fibers disappear Nuclear envelope develops

11 Cytokinesis Division of cytoplasm
End of telophase, cell pinches in = cleavage furrow

12 Cytokinesis Plants have a _______?
Vesicles produced by the golgi complex align across the middle of the cell creating a Cell plate


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