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Opening Activity: March 19, 2018

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1 Opening Activity: March 19, 2018
Period 1, 4 & 5: DO NOT TOUCH MATERIALS AT LAB TABLE. Turn in Biotech Café Article into basket at resource table – be sure rubric is stapled on top. Turn in Biotech Idea Journal – the lab numbering was off, check your work did you describe DNA lab, micropipet lab, restriction enzymes and gel work? Draw a sketch of what you expect to see on your gel for Ivory Sample Uncut DNA I can… - Record DNA results and identify stakeholder’s point of view in the elephant problem. Homework: Biotech TEST 3/23

2 Thank you!!

3 Opening Activity: pd 3 March 19, 2018
Turn in Biotech Café Article into basket at resource table – be sure rubric is stapled on top. Turn in Biotech Idea Journal – the lab numbering was off, check your work did you describe DNA lab, micropipet lab, restriction enzymes and gel work? Read Lab #14 Day 3. What will be accomplished today? Instead of water today over our gel, what will we use? How much sample loading buffer will we add to each tube? I can…Prepare gel and samples to conduct a gel electrophoresis on elephant DNA samples. Homework: Biotech TEST 3/23

4 Today’s Tasks Create an agarose gel in your gel electrophoresis.
Add Sample Loading Buffer to all tubes. Add 125ml of Running Buffer to gel box Arrange gel box in a sturdy position near power (at tables 1, 3, 6, & 8). Load gels, 15µl to each well Use a ½ page in journal to create a picture of your gel box in journal. Label each well, to be sure you know what was loaded into each well. Create name tag (masking tape w/ table and period) for staining dish. Clean up – tips in garbage and all materials back in tub. When done or waiting – complete questions at table and discuss with your table. Be prepared to share.

5 Opening Activity: pd 1, 3 & 4 March 20, 2018
Biotechnology Ideas and Questions Write one idea we learned and one question you have. Select one idea or one question On a sticky note write down your question or idea. 2. What is the scientific explanation for why two elephants would have different banding patterns Pick up data collection sheet at front table – no tape! Pick up your Biotech Idea Journal at front table – tape in! I can… Interpret elephant DNA banding patterns from our gels and determine origin of the ivory. Homework: Scientific Argument Due 3/22 Biotechnology Test 3/23

6 Opening Activity: pd 5 March 20, 2018
Pick up data collection sheet at front table – no tape! Pick Biotech Idea Journal at front table – tape in! What is the scientific explanation for why two elephants would have different banding patterns? Find at your table “How to analyze Comstock’s data” and READ!! I can… Interpret elephant DNA banding patterns from our gels and determine origin of the ivory. Homework: Scientific Argument Due 3/22 Biotechnology Test 3/23

7 Ivory Trade HHMI

8 Today’s Goals Analyze and Record Dr. Comstock’s Data
Collect and Analyze your DNA Data Make a claim for the ivory.

9 Opening Activity: March 21, 2018
Pick up a CER Guide and Study Guide at front table. Reflect on your CER work in this class: What area do you need to focus on for this next argument? What areas do you feel confident in providing feedback to others? I can… Develop a claim for our ivory sample and create a rubric for our scientific argument. Homework: Biotech Café 3/23 (turn in article if you have not yet) Biotech TEST 3/27 Scientific Argument 3/27


11 Today’s Goals Complete Data Collection Sheet – stamp
Develop a rubric to assess our scientific argument: Select data and representation Audience Review Claim, Evidence and Reasoning

12 Opening Activity: March 22, 2018
Pick up Scientific Argument Rubric. Read through and circle who you want to write to. How did you figure out which national park your ivory sample came from? What scientific ideas/topics helped you determine which national park your ivory sample came from? I can… Describe my work as a lab technician to figure our where the ivory came from AND create an argument. Homework: Biotech Café 3/23 (turn in article if you have not yet) Biotech TEST 3/27 Scientific Argument 3/27

13 Today’s Goals Write your scientific argument. Pause to peer assess:
Intro paragraph/work as a technician Claim Evidence Reasoning 3. Scientific Argument DUE ________

14 Opening Activity: March 23, 2018
Pick up your biotech café article at the front tables. If you don’t have your article done, grab a computer from cart #1 and do it!! I can… Communicate biotechnology current events to peers and reflect on advantages and disadvantages. Homework: Biotech TEST 3/27 Elephant Lab Scientific Argument 3/26

15 Reminders for next week….
Monday Tuesday Elephant Letter DUE! Sub will be here: We will start our next unit: DEVELOPMENT (pretest and initial ideas). Biotechnology Test – approx. 30 pts. Optional Review Sheet Available to prepare - pick one up or download online.

16 Biotechnology Cafe Create the following Grid in your journal: Name
Relationship to Biotech Main idea Student Names here (9 spots)

17 Questions for Round 1 Round 1 - Select one article/idea to discuss further: What are some advantages and disadvantages of these topic in biotechnology? (List 4-5 examples) What questions would you ask the researcher of the biotechnology topic?

18 Questions for Round 2 Round 2- Select one article/idea to discuss further: What are some unintended consequences as a result of the topic? (list 2-3 positive and negative consequences) What is your position on the issue? Agree/disagree and WHY?

19 Questions for Round 3 Round 3 - Select one article/idea to discuss further: What implications would this issue have for future developments in biotechnology? What are the alternatives to this issue? What recommendations/changes would you make on this issue?

20 Thanks for coming to the Biotech Cafe!
Reminders for next week…. Monday Tuesday Elephant Letter DUE! Sub will be here: We will start our next unit: DEVELOPMENT (pretest and initial ideas). Biotechnology Test – approx. 30 pts. Optional Review Sheet Available to prepare - pick one up or download online.

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