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TeachEx Cork Framework Financial Management

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1 TeachEx Cork Framework Financial Management
12/29/2018 TeachEx Cork Framework Financial Management Cork, 8 February 2016 Financial Management 12/29/2018

2 Introduction Cork Meeting Erasmus+
We are here to primarily hear from and interact with (Q&A) seasoned disciplinary experts (i.e. WG2); stimulating thought; framework for (primarily Israeli) group work Off to a great start today Erasmus+ It aint simple It aint logical It is less trusting It is what it is This file is already uploaded to the DropBox and will be added to the event website The DropBox version will be updated as needed Perhaps a GoogleDrive will be added as well (a mirror) 12/29/2018

3 Rates Exchange rate is needed for all partners Israeli and European. All need to use the exchange rate of January 2016 – using their own currency. There will be new exchange report for 2nd reporting period Costs are eligible retroactive to 15 October 2015 A students from partner institutions can participate at events: Per diem: 55 Euro (instead of 120 Euro). Coordinator and partners are not allowed to pay associated partners to participate in meetings. Financial Management 12/29/2018

4 Rates Participation at partner events in different locations than their home institution (such as EURASHE outside of Belgium), need to receive permission from EACEA Meeting inside Israel: Cost of stay - 120€ per day ONLY IF you claim an overnight stay and this must be duly justified. NEW Travel Costs – under 100KM no travel costs can be claimed. We will have to rethink how to use our travel budgets Travel from home institution/city of institution to venue city – open question: Taxis or public transportation, from home/university city? Need city of residence from each participant AFAIK it is cost of stay and not travel – open question Financial Management 12/29/2018

5 Documentation IDC as coordinator will be in charge to inform EACEA of each meeting or change in meeting dates. This is key to figuring the number of nights, which in turn determines the number of eligible cost of stays The coordinator is the only one who is to be in contact with the EACEA office. Co-finance responsibilities: There is an assumption that we are co financing 10% In fact it will likely be more For reporting, one sum will be reported for co-finance; the EC won’t check the figures; each institution tracks his own co-finance. Only Coordinator submits audit reports. Financial Management 12/29/2018

6 Documentation Associated Partners who are not employed but rather sit on boards have to have a contract with the institution. Mid term financial report: It is a less detailed report. We will need to prove in total that we have spent at least 70 percent of the first installment. There is no external auditor in the midterm financial report. Financial Management 12/29/2018

7 Travel Cost of Stay and Travel: Who may travel?
You must keep all supporting documents: travel tickets, boarding passes, invoices, receipts, proof of attendance in meetings and/or events, agendas, tangible outputs/products, minutes of meeting. After each meeting a scanned a copy of all the documents to Hila. Who may travel? Staff Under contract with beneficiary institutions and involved in the project Travels intended for the activities listed in the Guidelines Duration: Max. 3 months Students Registered in one of the beneficiary institutions Duration: Min. 2 weeks – Max. 2 months (Max. 1 week for short term activities linked to the management of the project) Financial Management 12/29/2018

8 Equipment Equipment Expenses:
Not eligible: furniture, motor vehicles, telephones, mobile phones, alarm systems and anti-theft systems etc. All purchased equipment must be labelled with Erasmus+ stickers You must keep all invoices and proof that the equipment is registered in the inventory of the institution. If you wish to buy equipment not listed in the original proposal you must send a request to the coordinator who will than forward the request to the commission to receive their approval. Financial Management 12/29/2018

9 Unit Costs Reminder DAYS STAFF STUDENTS 01 - 14 120 € 55 € 15 - 60
Distance Bands Unit Cost km 180 € ,999 km 275 € 2, ,999 km 360 € 3,000 – 3,999 km 530 € 4,000 – 7,999 km 820 € 8,000 km + 1,100 € DAYS STAFF STUDENTS 120 € 55 € 70 € 40 € 50 € n.a. Financial Management 12/29/2018

10 VAT Each Israeli partner needs to send me a formal letter stating that under Israeli law they, as non for profit organizations,  cannot recover VAT. Financial Management 12/29/2018

11 Amount of the Grant ≠ Total costs of the project
Funding Rule Amount of the Grant ≠ Total costs of the project Financial Management 12/29/2018

12 ?TeachEx and Bologna CTE -> Courses -> LO-based -> grading scale -> including excellent -> DS Courses mapped to (I)QF -> standardized continuously improving (knowledge, skills and competence) teacher training? Teaching Load? Do we want to make a statement of overload? Defining Research and Scholarship: What is the difference? Especially important for non-research-intensive institutions. 12/29/2018

13 Open issues July meeting at Krakow date
4-6 July was identified in November? Next European meeting in Groningen 23-25 May Web page to go live very soon 12/29/2018

14 12/29/2018 Thank you Financial Management 12/29/2018

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