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Product Overview.

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1 Product Overview

2 Datalink Systems Hardware and software developer since 1996
Specializing in custom data solutions with a detailed, hands-on approach World-wide commercial and government installations Multiple networks, including 4G, LTE, Iridium, Globalstar, NXDN, P25, DMR

3 DataNET Platform Complete end-to-end solution connects users with a wide range of mobile assets DataGate multi-network routing hub GPS tracking, messaging and data Web, , SMS and industry-standard interfaces. Also to LMR radios. AES-256 encryption option Groups and Sub Goups for each customer.

4 DataGate Server Can be hosted by customer or dealer
Connects to multiple networks Built-in web server provides WebGate Web-Browser user interface Built-in server to send and receive asset messages and alerts M2M and satellite options provide backup data paths

5 WebGate User Interface
Accessible from desktop and mobile. GPS tracking using a variety of maps, including custom ESRI layers. Two-way messaging and alerts. Remote control including radio GPS reports, stun, revive and ESN request Historical reports and geofencing. Administrative control of assets and users.


7 Radio Connections Multiple connections via base radios and IP to cover wide areas or separate networks. Base radio serial links can be direct to server or via serial-over-Internet. Direct IP for Digital radio networks. Encryption descrambling. Monitor groups and individual radios.

8 Cloud Based Servers All of the same options as a Windows based server without the need for an IT department. Automatic upgrades to any new features. Custom options still available & Datalink staff run & manage Cloud server 365 days a year.

9 Stand-alone Radios GPS tracking, polling and alerts.
Receive status messages from radio and translate into text. Remote control of radio including GPS reports, stun, revive and ESN request. Send text messages or s to radios. Process responses from radio. Send status messages to radio.

10 Email Routing DataGate defines an email address for each radio.
Messages sent to that address are formatted and forwarded to the radio. Responses from the radio are returned to the original address. Provides generic interface that can be used for dispatch, manufacturing and hospitality applications .

11 Third-Party Interfaces
Web services to deliver positions and status messages to other applications. Status messages from radios sent over Bluetooth to Android devices. Radio positions encoded in MultiSpeak format to pass to power utilities. SQL database and file interface .

12 Bluetooth Custom Apps WebLink Android application connects to radio data port via Bluetooth. Two-way text messaging with voice announcement of incoming messages. Emergency alerts with GPS reporting

13 Datalink i50 Black Box Advanced GPS and messaging. G-force monitoring.
Garmin, OBD, Grace pager. Wi-fi for external connections. Iridium satellite and GSM modems. SCADA remote data. Serial cable to select radios.

14 i50 Auto-Roaming Program multiple voice and data zones into black box.
i50 automatically changes voice and data channels as vehicle moves. Radio function key can be used to turn voice channel roaming on and off. Channel is monitored to prevent channel switching during voice calls.

15 ANDROID Tablets Vehicle-mounted mobile data terminals. Built-in GPS.
Direct Wi-Fi connection to i50. Color touch-screen. Custom dispatch messaging. Bluetooth linked to Mobile Radios. Wi-Fi linked to i50 MobiHUBs.

16 BusLink Real-time bus tracking with public web mapping interface.
Color-coded routes and stop locations. Estimated time of arrival. Google Maps with Street View. Transit sign updates. Example system:


18 Potential Applications
Commercial vehicle fleets Trucking/towing Emergency/First Responder vehicles Snowplows Oil and gas/mining/forestry Ready-mix/construction Transportation Bus/taxi/rail Manufacturing and hospitality Logistics/process control Schools and University Campus Security Lone worker protection Government/military

19 DataNET / Dispatch Repeaters WebGate DataGate Base radios Web Services Our software is available free for evaluation to all dealers Copyright © 2018 Datalink Systems International Inc.

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