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Water and Solutions.

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1 Water and Solutions

2 Water Its properties enable life to exist!
Heats up slowly and cools slowly Prevents organisms from changing temperature rapidly Allows a lot of heat to be taken away from the body during sweating Moderates temperatures under water and near large lakes and oceans Capillary Action – allows water to reach the tops of trees Adhesion – water sticks to a polar surface Cohesion – water molecules stick to each other

3 Mixtures Homogeneous – same throughout
Solutions – particles are evenly distributed in the solvent No Tyndall Effect Heterogeneous – different throughout Colloid – particles do not settle out – Shows the Tyndall effect Suspensions – particles are a little larger, and will settle out

4 pH – A measure of the hydrogen ion concentration
Acids pH below 7 Higher concentration of H3O+ (hydronium ions) The further away from 7 the more acidic Sour Bases pH above 7 Higher concentration of OH- (hydroxide ions) The further away from 7 the more basic Also called alkaline Bitter * Changing the pH by 1 means that the concentration of H+ has increased or decreased by 10x

5 Buffer Reduces changes in pH
Important in the body, because changes in pH can affect how reactions happen CO2 mixes with H2O to make carbonic acid (in a process similar ti the one that forms acid rain). Without a buffer your blood would become acidic.

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