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Institutionalising FAC Africa

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1 Institutionalising FAC Africa
The FAC Commission 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

2 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton
FAC “Graduation” FAC in 2010: UK-based, DFID-dependent From start of next phase, i.e. April 1st 2013, FAC Africa Secretariat in Africa (Director, administration) Major influence of Africans in FAC governance Funded by multi-donor fund Benefits: Increased credibility with policy makers as an “African” organisation Can raise funds from multiple sources (not dependent on one) Requires formal legal registration or affiliation 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

3 Making the Case to Donors
Evidence of stakeholder demand Favourable MTR Compelling plans for next phase Organisational and governance arrangements FAC Commission will lead on last of these 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

4 Options for Institutionalisation
Strengths Weaknesses 1. Affiliation under: Existing organisation African University } } quick registration No control over governance University management African or national? 2. Formally registered entity with international mandate Independence, credibility Speed of registration process 3. Charity registered in UK, with country offices and mainly African Board quick registration Truly African? (will donors or policy makers buy this?) 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

5 Illustration of Option 2
AERC as Rockefeller programme AERC hosted by Rockefeller whilst seeking independent registration non-profit org. with international mandate, but under Kenyan law Requires: support of promoting Ministry and Treasury, Cabinet approval (for financial privileges) 3 years Interim arrangements for finances, contracting, governance CMAAE hosted by AERC whilst seeking independent registration 3 years (so far) Finances and contracting handled by AERC (for an overhead charge) in the meantime CMAAE Programme Committee, but governed by AERC Board FAC Africa hosted by CMAAE whilst seeking independent registration? 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

6 Location of Secretariat
Legal options for registration Including speed Practicalities of transportation and communications linkages 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

7 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton
Proposed Process I Consultant appointed to examine options Commission work with Secretariat on TOR Findings and a recommendation presented to FAC Annual Meeting 2011 by Commission Commission prepares full proposal for institutionalisation of FAC Africa Initial consultations with donors and other stakeholders Input into draft proposal for new phase of FAC Africa (presented to FAC Annual Meeting 2012 and reviewed by MTR team) Proposal for new phase of FAC Africa includes: Governance structure, staffing, location of secretariat (i.e. institutionalisation plans) Ideas for workplan during new phase 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

8 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton
Proposed Process II Finalised FAC Africa proposal + MTR report discussed at Donor Roundtable Q2 2012 DFID to convene Roundtable Aim for donor commitments by mid-2012 6-9 months to advertise for and appoint staff and to establish office by 1st April 2013 FAC Africa begins May begin operation under interim governance arrangements (hosted) 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

9 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton
FAC Commission Membership Ephraim Chirwa, Bara Gueye, John Omiti, Amdissa Teshome, Colin Poulton Revolving Chairmanship Change annually Colin to chair for 01/04/2010 FAC Annual Meeting, Brighton

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