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that Empower & Equip More

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Presentation on theme: "that Empower & Equip More"— Presentation transcript:

1 that Empower & Equip More
Exit Standards that Empower & Equip More ESTEEM

2 Presentation Facilitator
Sarah McManus Section Chief Testing Policy and Operation Iris Garner Education Consultant

3 Panelists Jennifer Beck David Edwards
Instructional Coach East Burke High School David Edwards Chief Marketing Officer Virtual Public Schools

4 Panelists Cynthia Magee David McGee
Southwest Regional Regional Accountability Coordinator David McGee Director of Student Burke County School

5 Panelists Iris Garner Sarah McManus
Research Consultant NC Department of Public Schools Sarah McManus Chief , Testing Policy and Operations

6 Policy Overview

7 State Board of Education Policy HSP-N-000
Students entering the ninth grade for the first time in the school year, in career preparation, college technical preparation, and college/university preparation course of study Shall meet the following standards for proficiency:

8 State Board of Education Policy
Score at Achievement Level III (with standard error of measurement) or above on 5 End-of-Course Tests: English I Algebra I U.S. History Biology Civics and Economics

9 State Board of Education Policy
Students should also complete the following standards: Successfully complete a graduation project Pass the North Carolina Online Test of Computer Skills or its alternate assessment

10 When can you retest? If a student does not pass the EOC test but passes the course parents/highschool

11 Retesting Opportunities
Maximum of two retest opportunities Second retest opportunity must be preceded by focused intervention/remediation Student must be given a retest no later that three weeks from the receipt of test results Parent/guardian may request that their child be excused from the retest. Parent/guardian and child must accept participation in focused intervention.

12 Remediation/Intervention
Intervention involves extended instructional opportunities designed to improve students’ performance: Alternative models Special homework Smaller classes Tutorial sessions Extended day Saturday school

13 After the Second Retest…
Update documentation (e.g., portfolio of the student’s performance in the EOC course) Documentation (e.g., a portfolio) is reviewed by a review committee to determine if the exit standard for that course has been met

14 Review Committee

15 Who should be on the review committee?
Teachers Principals Central office staff members (EC) teacher (if applicable) (LEP) teacher (if applicable)

16 Initial Steps for Review Process
Notify parents of the date, time, and location of the review committee meeting Parent/guardian of any student being presented for a review has the right to be a non-voting participant and has the right to speak on behalf of their child If parents are non-English speaking, efforts must be made to provide the information in the language they speak

17 Documentation for Review
Teachers provide documentation of the student’s performance for the review process. Documentation may include: student work samples test data information supplied by parents information that is included in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students with disabilities other information that verifies that a student is proficient

18 Documentation for Review
Documentation of the entire review process should be kept on file at the student’s home school.

19 Review Process HSP-N-000 (4-6)
The review committee reviews documentation and makes one of the following recommendations Student retakes the course Student is provided additional remediation Based on the documentation, the student has met the requirements for the exit standard associated with the course policyoperations/hses0505.pdf

20 Principal’s Role in the Review Process HSP-N-000 (6)
The principal reviews the recommendation from the committee and makes the final decision regarding the student meeting the exit standard for the course.

21 Transfer Students When a student transfers into a North Carolina public high school from out-of-state or from a private school, principals review the student’s transcript and may award credit for work completed

22 Resources

23 Resources Tracking the High School Exit Standards Process (SIMS) and NCWISE Documents Frequently Asked Questions Exit Standards Brochure Review Committee Folder Exit Standards Web page

24 Resources NCWISE Training Guides documentshttp:// -NC WISE Technical Library -NCWISE Guides NCWISE Presentation - Testing Section

25 Panel Discussion

26 Thank You We appreciate your attendance and continued support with the North Carolina Testing Program.

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