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ADEISA – Industry’s contribution to ADF Superiority of the EMOE

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1 ADEISA – Industry’s contribution to ADF Superiority of the EMOE
Name(s) of ADIESA facilitator(s) 5.8

2 The classification of these slides is: CLASSIFICATION The maximum classification for discussion is: CLASSIFICATION Industry input: INDUSTRY PROPRIETARY

3 Context for Industry “Joint electromagnetic spectrum operations (JEMSO) are military actions undertaken by two or more Services operating in concert to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the electromagnetic operational environment (EMOE). These actions include all joint force transmissions and receptions of electromagnetic (EM) energy. The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is the range of all frequencies of EM radiation. EMS superiority is that degree of dominance in the EMS that permits the conduct of operations at a given time and place without prohibitive interference, while affecting an adversary’s ability to do the same. The EMOE is a complex composite of the EM conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and the decisions of the commander (CDR).”

4 Context for Industry The aim of The Joint EMS Operations (JEMSO) Planning Course is to provide the ADF with personnel who can plan and manage JEMSO and coordinate such activities with various agencies. The course uses pre-requisite reading of specified references followed by group and syndicate discussions/exercises of JEMSO planning topics and syndicate presentations of results of these discussions/exercises. Information will also be imparted by visiting subject matter experts from the Australian Defence Force, other departments and agencies of the Australian Government, and Coalition Partner Nations practitioners involved in JEMSO operations.

5 Session Learning Objectives
Discuss Industry Capability to enable ADF JEMSO: Technologies that minimise EMS-dependent systems and network vulnerabilities, and actively prevent adversary systems from exploiting those vulnerabilities. Support operations in the EMOE and provide solutions for: Spectrum/Signature Management, Enhance Situational Understanding (SA + context, insight and analysis) Visualisation and Integration Tools and Technology Non Kinetic Effects

6 Scope Industry Directions
Use of technology to predict effects of friendly-force, neutral actor, and limit adversary EMS manoeuvre/impacts on ADF operations in the EMOE through: Modelling, Simulation, Visualisation and Analysis/Data Synthesis tools. Non Kinetic Effects Coordinate Organic EMS Use Requests Coordinate Non-organic EMS Use Requests Determine New and Experimental EMS Dependent Systems' Spectrum Requirements Determine Deployed EMS Dependent Systems' Spectrum Requirements Determine Service Components's Spectrum Requirements Determine Network Operations Spectrum Requirements Determine MISO Spectrum Requirements Determine Information Operations Spectrum Requirements Determine Defence Strategic Networks' Spectrum Requirements Determine Friendly Nations Spectrum Requirements Determine Targeting and Fires Spectrum Requirements Determine Cybersecurity Spectrum Requirements Determine Host Nation Spectrum Requirements Determine EA and Other Joint Force Spectrum Requirements Determine Mission Critical PNT Spectrum Requirements Determine EMS Deception Frequency Usage Determine Authorised Satellite Access Requests Gather Intelligence Community Spectrum Information Determine Host Nation or Spectrum Authority Restrictions of Use Assess Density and Variety of Spectrum Users Determine Frequencies Authorised by JFC Collate Component EMSO Plans Coordinate CMO Frequencies Prioritise EMSO Requirements Execute Requirement Change Management Administer Spectrum Request Management System Coordinate Collaboration Systems Administer Spectrum Assignment Management System Administer Electronic Documents Records Management System Request Resource Allocations From Authority Determine Spectrum Allocation for Offensive Operations Analyse Friendly JEMSO Situation Analyse Host Partner and Neutral Nations Determine the effects required to achieve the Commander’s objectives. Conduct Feasibility and Compliance Analysis Understand constraints imposed by the physical environment. Identify EMS-related constraints, limitations, vulnerabilities, and opportunities. Identify methods to impact adversary operations by exploiting and attacking adversary EMS dependencies and vulnerabilities. Coordinate Organic EMS Use Requests Determine Network Opetations Spectrum Requirements Determine JEMSO Objectives and Effects (desired and undesired) Prioritise, coordinate, integrate, synchronize and authorise operations in the EMOE. Identify the types and quantities of EMS capabilities and systems (e.g., sensors, communications systems, EA systems) required to execute the plan. Identify and mitigate the risk to joint force operations based on the state of the EMS, friendly-force use of the EMS, and the adversary’s ability to contest friendly-force use of the EMS. Determine JEMSO Tasks and Priorities Establish Formal Coordination Channels with Host Nations/Coalition partners. Discuss coordination of cross-component EMS capabilities and EMS-use. Acquire and Manage EMS ‘allotments’ needed to support operations. State JEMSO Purpose in Mission Context

7 Content slides

8 Learning Objectives Recap
Discuss Industry Capability to enable ADF JEMSO: Technologies that minimise EMS-dependent systems and network vulnerabilities, and actively prevent adversary systems from exploiting those vulnerabilities. Support operations in the EMOE and provide solutions for: Spectrum/Signature Management, Enhance Situational Understanding (SA + context, insight and analysis) Visualisation and Integration Tools and Technology Non Kinetic Effects

9 The classification of these slides is: CLASSIFICATION The maximum classification for discussion is: CLASSIFICATION Industry input: INDUSTRY PROPRIETARY

10 Questions?

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