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Module 1 Mastery Assignment 2 Types of Governments

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1 Module 1 Mastery Assignment 2 Types of Governments
Directions: Using the information you read in the Notes and Resources folder, complete the PowerPoint presentation that follows. For each slide, evaluate the difference between the different forms of government listed at the top.  Make sure you provide examples of current nations that have the form of government described. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE…the information needs to be in your own words.

2 Democracy vs. Dictatorship

3 Republic vs. Oligarchy

4 Representative Democracy vs. Direct Democracy

5 Monarchy vs. Aristocracy

6 Totalitarianism vs. Federalism

7 Your Ideal Form of Government State and explain in detail which form of government you would create if you were in charge of building a new country. Be sure to include examples of that type of government.

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