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Equations and Inequalities

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Presentation on theme: "Equations and Inequalities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equations and Inequalities

2 Unit 8 – Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations Algebraically

3 Vocabulary Isolate – to set apart.
Inverse Operation – an operation that is the opposite of, or undoes, another operation; addition and subtraction are inverse operations; multiplication and division are inverse operations.

4 Solving Subtraction Equations Algebraically - Example
Solve algebraically for x , then check. Solve x – 12 = 23 x = 35 We added 12 to both sides because there was a -12 on the same side as the x and you do the opposite to eliminate (get rid of) a term. Check x – 12 = 23 (35) – 12 = 23 23 = 23 If the final line is correct, you have the right value for x. If it is not correct, go back to the work you did to solve for x and start again.

5 Solving Subtraction Equations Algebraically - Example
Solve algebraically for x , then check. Solve x – 15 = 47 x = 62 Check x – 15 = 47 (62) – 15 = = 47

6 Solving Addition Equations Algebraically - Example
Solve algebraically for x , then check. Solve x = 139 _ x = 114 Check x + 25 = 139 (114) + 25 = = 139

7 Solving Addition Equations Algebraically - Example
Solve algebraically for x , then check. Solve 34 + x = 42 34 + x = 42 x = 8 Check 34 + x = (8) = = 42

8 Solving Addition & Subtraction Equations Algebraically - Practice
Solve algebraically, then check. y + 13 = 84 y = 71 z – 14 = 54 z = 68 t = 55 t = 49 u – 24 = 82 u = 106

9 More Solving Addition & Subtraction Equations Algebraically - Practice
Solve algebraically, then check. y = 24.39 y = 11.79 z – = 3 3 5 z = 14.86 = t – 8.3 t = 23.16 = u u =

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