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Early River Valley Civilizations

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1 Early River Valley Civilizations
WHAP Macdonald

2 Directions In table groups, complete a poster that accurately and completely depicts SPICE characteristics of ONE of the early river valley civilizations Use your textbook as well as the crash course videos for information. Use bullets (not complete sentences) on posters Be prepared to explain (verbally) each section Complete chart together, but assign each person I the group to be responsible for sharing one component. Use images and color to enhance understanding

3 Mesopotamia S Priests at top Nobles Commoners Slaves
Valued wealth (Hammurabi’s code) Patriarchal P City states (Babylon, Ur, Sumer) Kings Ruled w/ priests (theocracy) Hammurabi / Hammurabi’s code Iron for expansion (Hittites) I Fertile Crescent Tigris and Euphrates Semitic Migrants C Polytheistic Cuneiform Epic of Gilgamesh – themes of friendship / loyalty E Agriculture (iron tools) Trade (shipbuilding) Wheel Metallurgy

4 Assignments (2 groups) Egypt (Nile River Valley) – pgs. 60 - 83
Mohenjo-Daro / Harappa (Indus River Valley) – pgs Shang (Yellow River / Huang He) Zhou (Yellow River / Huang He) – pgs Olmec Maya - pgs Chavin – pgs

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