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Health 9 Mrs. Pracht-Smith

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Presentation on theme: "Health 9 Mrs. Pracht-Smith"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health 9 Mrs. Pracht-Smith
Voic x 3076

2 Why Health? California recommends one year of Health Education at Middle School and one year at High School. You must pass health to graduate!! (with a D- or better).

3 What are My Goals? Cover the standards
Provide a safe, fair, predictable and respectful environment Provide topics for conversation

4 Class Expectations Be courteous and respectful to all classmates, teachers and guests. Come to class on time with all the materials needed Stay in your assigned seat during class, unless directed by teacher.

5 Class Expectations Remove hats, hoods or beanies when entering class.
Only water in class, no food or other drinks. No gum.

6 Cell Phone/Electronics Policy
1st offense = device taken to office; student may pick it up at end of day. 2nd offense = device taken to office, parent/guardian must pick it up. 3rd offense = device taken to office; parent/guardian and student meets with vice principal 4th offense = device gone until end of semester; 5th offense = student suspended.

7 Rewards for contributing to a positive class environment:
Create a Positive learning environment Verbal praise Phone home

8 Consequences for not following health expectations:
Moved to a new seat Lunch detention Phone call home Sent to another class Referral to the office

9 Course Outline General Health Life Skills
Mental, Social & Emotional Health Nutrition & Physical Activity Growth, Development & Sexual Health Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Injury Prevention & Safety

10 What is Needed Daily? Be on time
Unit Packet (we do not have a health book) Pencil or pen Organizer/Health Planner Sheet Binder with a section for health Paper, either a notebook or notepaper A GOOD attitude

11 How are Grades Earned? Class Assignments Homework
Responsibility towards learning Projects Quizzes/Tests Quality of work (e.g.neatness)

12 Homework All homework is listed in the white board
Homework is due when you enter class 15-30 minutes/week on average – NOT MUCH!! So I expect it done! Students are expected to record homework on the purple homework sheet.

13 Grades Calculations? A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% or

14 Late Work? Late Regular Assignments or Projects earn 60%
Late assignments must be turned in prior to the end of a progress report period for credit. Two late passes per semester = full credit-next day ONLY!!

15 What if I am absent? Student responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments. Check missing folder. If a test or quiz is missed, made up during lunch on the assigned make-up date. Make-up work will not be given for days of suspension or unexcused absences (cuts). If an extended illness, contact teacher to discuss a schedule to turn in work.

16 Extra Credit? Offered only to the entire class
Take advantage when it is offered

17 How can I make sure I do well in Health?
Have a planner Do the work and on time Follow instructions Don’t procrastinate Show up daily, on time, and prepared or see Mrs. Pracht-Smith at lunch if you do not understand an assignment

18 Guidelines for Success!!
Be responsible. Always try. Do your best. Cooperate with others. Treat everyone with respect (including yourself).

19 What if I need help? Contact Mrs. Pracht-Smith
X 3076 Lunch help everyday in H109.

20 Health Wish List Reams of white paper, paper, paper
Reams of colored paper (yellow, green, blue, pink…florescent…) Kleenex Hand sanitizer Markers PAPER,PAPER,PAPER, THANK YOU!

21 The Website!

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