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Presentation on theme: "FOOD SPENDING PLAN."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOUSEHOLD BUDGETS What is/are…. A budget? A meal manager? Income?
Fixed Expenses? Flexible Expenses? Food Spending Plan?

3 A budget is …. a plan for budgeting money

4 A meal manager is… someone who uses resources to plan, prepare, and serve food.

5 Income is… money received.

6 Fixed expenses are… a fixed amount of money paid on a regular basis such as rent and installment loans.

7 Flexible expenses are…
regularly recurring costs that may vary in amount such as utility bills, food, and clothing.

8 A Food Spending Plan is…
a method to help you spend your food dollars wisely. This means: Getting the most for your money Getting the highest quality for your money Getting the most nutrition for your money

9 How Do I Budget? List monthly take home pay Subtract fixed expenses
Subtract flexible expenses Total = leftover income after expenses for food and savings

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