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Modelling and Simulation

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling and Simulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling and Simulation
Introduction Peadar Harvey

2 Acting out or mimicking an actual or probable real life condition, event, or situation to find a cause of a past occurrence (such as an accident), or to forecast future effects (outcomes) of assumed circumstances or factors. Read more: finition/simulation.html What is simulation?

3 Simulation in real-life?
Ever wonder how pilots practice flying before climbing into the cockpit? Well they use very advanced simulation software to train in all sorts of conditions.

4 Modelling allows engineers to develop ideas or prototypes quickly and effectively.
What is modelling?


6 Task Please find a real world use for modelling and simulation that interests you. Create a quick presentation to outline to the class. Please answer the three questions below. What type of model is it? Is it a live, virtual or constructive simulation. Why does it interest you?

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