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Nervous System II Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System II Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System II Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Meninges and Cerebro-spinal fluid (CFS) Autonomic Function Medical ppt

2 Spinal Cord Cross Section

3 Spinal Cord Cross Section (drawing on handout--showing reflex arc)
White matter (myelinated “tracts”) Gray matter (cell bodies) Ventral horn--motor neurons Dorsal horn--interneurons for sensory Dorsal Root--sensory Ventral Root--motor Spinal Nerve Dorsal Ramus (to dorsal mm., skin) Ventral Ramus (to ventral limbs mm., skin) Dorsal Root Ganglion Sensory Neuron Somatic Motor Neuron

4 Spinal nerve (cross section through thorax--on handout)
Dorsal Root Ganglion Ventral root Spinal Nerve Dorsal Ramus Ventral Ramus (Where would you find the ventral ramus relative to the ribs) (Look for lateral cutaneous nerves on your cat!!)

5 Spinal Cord showing meninges

6 What are meninges? Connective tissues around spinal cord
For protection For nutrition Three layers Pia mater Arachnoid mater Dura mater

7 Subarachnoid space (where CSF flows) Arachnoid mater (middle)
Pia mater (deep) delicate highly vascular adheres to brain/sp cd tissue Subarachnoid space (where CSF flows) Arachnoid mater (middle) impermeable layer = barrier raised off pia mater by rootlets Spinal Dura Mater single dural sheath

8 Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Why double innervation? Paraympathetic keeps “normal” rhythms, functioning--all calm Sympathetic is “fight or flight” fear response

9 How are Para/Sympa different?
Parasympathetic Sympathetic Location Cranial, sacral Thoracic, Lumbar Ganglia In target organs Close to spinal cord Neuro- Transmitter Acetylcholine (calmer) Norepinephrine (adrenalin!!) Effect Table 15.2 For details

10 Medical ppt

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