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Agile Manager As an Agile Manager you are the advocate and champion for your team. Agile Management is servant leadership: putting people first in support.

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Presentation on theme: "Agile Manager As an Agile Manager you are the advocate and champion for your team. Agile Management is servant leadership: putting people first in support."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of an Agile Manager – Deb Kandebo Agile Tour 2016 October 10, 2016

2 Agile Manager As an Agile Manager you are the advocate and champion for your team. Agile Management is servant leadership: putting people first in support of the organization’s success. A focus on facilitation and collaboration.

3 Consider how you can Exercise Servant Leadership
What can you do to more fully serve your team(s)? What can you do to better facilitate the work of others? Identify gaps and help develop their skills How can you help product owners distinguish between tactical short-term and strategic longer-term goals?

4 Influencing Your Teams
What preferences and qualities do you want to influence and cultivate in your teams? Answer: Those qualities that are good predictors of performance in an Agile environment.

5 Influencing: Collaboration
Encourage collaboration by having team members work together on a task or related tasks and be collectively responsible for the outcomes. What must we do together? that is larger than any of us requires all of us For which none of us can claim an individual victory A shared purpose builds a strong team.

6 Influencing: Feedback Acceptance
Encourage an open mind and the acceptance of feedback from others and learning from others. This is an acknowledgement that everyone has something useful to contribute.

7 Influencing: Self-awareness
Encourage self-awareness; a person’s knowledge of themselves, their worth as a person, and their worth as a contributing team member. Provide them the opportunity to use their influence and capabilities to lead the team.

8 Influencing: Resilience and Self-discipline
Re-enforce resilience, self-discipline and the ability to handle varying degrees of team success. Encourage perseverance to setbacks. Set your team up for success. Work with the team to develop goals and success criteria.

9 Influencing: Probing Questions
Inspire a questioning mind by asking probing questions, and do not accept anything at face value. Enriched solutions and increased effectiveness result, to raise the team bar.

10 Influencing: Ability to Handle Ambiguity and Unknowns
Coach the team to move forward Confidently face the unknowns View ambiguity as an opportunity Advocate for the team to upper management Raise the impacts of the unknowns

11 Dynamic Qualities to Enhance
Build openness by presenting new options and different perspectives. Grow flexibility by approaching problems with a fresh outlook. Encourage leaving one’s comfort zone.

12 Dynamic Qualities to Enhance
Build trust, it is the foundation of teamwork. It is one’s responsibility to demonstrate trustworthiness to team mates. Be authentic, DO NOT pretend. Strive to be a dependable colleague. When you get pulled in several directions, arrange your schedule the best you are able, so others know when and to what extent they can depend on you.

13 Dynamic Qualities to Enhance
Directly address issues. When something about our work together upsets you or impedes progress, find the courage to proactively have that uncomfortable conversation. This proves my respect and the importance of our relationship.

14 Questions? 30-June-2015

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