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Warm-up Questions Read the Primary Source passage “What Geography Means” located on page 17 of your textbook. Why does the writer think that geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Questions Read the Primary Source passage “What Geography Means” located on page 17 of your textbook. Why does the writer think that geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Questions Read the Primary Source passage “What Geography Means” located on page 17 of your textbook. Why does the writer think that geography is important?

2 Mapping the past Ancient Civilizations Mr. Hollingsworth – 8th Grade
Uncovering the Past Mapping the past Ancient Civilizations Mr. Hollingsworth – 8th Grade

3 Today’s Learning Targets
I will be able to use the academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I will explain how historians and archaeologists study history to better understand the world today. I will describe the role that geography plays in the development of a civilization.

4 Warm-up Questions "Geography doesn't simply begin and end with maps showing the location of all the countries of the world. In fact, such maps don't necessarily tell us much. No - geography poses fascinating questions about who we are and how we got to be that way, and then provides clues to the answers. It is impossible to understand history, international politics, the world economy, religions, philosophy, or 'patters of culture' without taking geography into account" Kenneth C. Davis, from Don't Know Much About Geography Why does the writer think that geography is important? Because it poses fascinating questions and affects so many other aspects of the world.

5 Mapping the Past On the next slide you will see a satellite image. Answer the following questions concerning the image to the best of your ability: What geographical feature had the greatest influence upon the civilization that grew here? What were the main economic activities of this early civilization?


7 Key Terms Review The study of the past…
history A part or imprint of something that was once alive… fossil

8 Key Terms Review Information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness an event… secondary source The knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people… culture

9 Key Terms Review The study of the earth’s physical and cultural features… geography The natural features of the land’s surface… landforms

10 Key Terms Review An account of an event by someone who took part in or witnessed the event… primary source

11 Key Terms Review The study of the past based on what people left behind… archaeology An object created and used by humans… artifact

12 Key Terms Review An area with one or more features that make it different from surrounding areas region Materials found in the earth that people need and value… resources

13 Key Terms Review The pattern of weather conditions in a certain area over a long period of time… climate All the living and nonliving things that affect life in an area… environment

14 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use the academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can explain how historians and archaeologists study history to better understand the world today. I can describe the role that geography plays in the development of a civilization.

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