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Find the Pieces You’ve Been Missing!

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1 Find the Pieces You’ve Been Missing!
New Features~ Student Management Suite Presented by:

2 Product Setup Data Mining Report Cleanup
A new utility, Data Mining Report Cleanup, has been added to delete student Data Mining reports. The reports can be ranged on by Report Name, Report Title, Created Date, Last Run Date, or by the User who created the report.

3 Family Access Hide Grades in Future Grading Periods
Options have been added to hide future grading period grades in Family and Student Access. 1. Only consider the first grading period as current when multiple are current. When there are multiple current grading periods this option will consider the first one as current and the rest as future grading periods. 2. Hide grades in future grading periods. This option will hide calculated Gradebook grades, including subject and skill grades in all future grading periods. Both options apply to the Family and Student Access Gradebook, mobile Family and Student Access class grades, the grading notification , and the progress report .

4 Family Access Force Parents to Sign Report Card
The option can be turned on in Student Management > Families > Family Access > Setup > Configuration > Entity Configuration; select Edit next to Report Cards. When a parent/guardian logs into Family Access and goes to the Portfolio tab and clicks on a report card, there will not be a separate View Report button and the report card must be signed before it can be viewed. The same will happen when logging into Mobile to view a report card with the option turned on.

5 Message Center Select Specific Classes
Students in specified classes may now be selected when creating a message in the Administrative Message Center. The Class selection can be used to choose all classes for an individual teacher. In addition, the ranges option for selecting students now includes the additional range of School.

6 Message Center View Messages from District Entity
All entities can now be viewed from the Message Center browse screen in the 000 entity. Entities can also be filtered on from the Entity column. Users with access to the new secured item are allowed to edit or recall messages created by other users.

7 Other Name/Gender Identity
Class Roster Report – EA+ *** – This is the Other Name option in EA+.

8 Other Name/Gender Identity
Class Roster Report – Student Management *** – An option was added to print the student’s Other Name when that field is not blank on the student’s General tab.

9 Other Name/Gender Identity
Custom Report Cards – Other Name *** – Option to print Other Name in Custom Report Cards. This is in the Student object.

10 Other Name/Gender Identity
NSOE and Online Registration *** Gender Identity field is now available in NSOE. Users need to be sure they are tracking Gender Identity in the Student Config for these options to display. Note: Nickname is Other Name and already here.

11 Other Name/Gender Identity
NSOE and Online Registration ***FA Pseudo and OR have been updated to include Gender Identity and Other Name (NSOE has Nickname as ‘other name’). Upon approval of the applications, the field will be updated on the student record

12 NSOE Print Hard Copy Report Card
The Print Hard Copy Report Cards option is now available in the Enrollment Portal Configuration. This means the field is no longer limited to the Registrar side and can be selected to display, which will also cause it to display in the Guardian Portal. The Print Hard Copy Report Cards option was previously displayed on the Registrar side; therefore, the default is to display the field. Useful for districts who are mainly or completely paperless. Families will have the opportunity to ‘Opt-In’ to receive the hard copy of the RC.

13 NSOE Date/Time Stamp The Enrollment Application Processing browse now has a Time Received column. In addition, a Date Received view has been added so that the browse can be sorted by the date and time received. This will help determine which students are approved for enrollment when capacity limits are about to be reached – first come first serve concept.

14 NSOE Date/Time Stamp The Enrollment Application Processing browse now has a Time Received column. In addition, a Date Received view has been added so that the browse can be sorted by the date and time received. This will help determine which students are approved for enrollment when capacity limits are about to be reached – first come first serve concept.

15 LMS API Standards Gradebook Endpoints
Assignments and Assignment Scores Endpoints have been updated to allow for Standards Gradebook Events and Event Scores. The Standards Endpoint was added to allow the Subjects, Skills, and applicable Grade Buckets and Grade Marks to be pulled from Skyward. In order for this to work, the LMS license needs to be purchased and Grade Calculations needs to be turned off.

16 Entry/Withdrawal Default Entity Prompt
When re-enrolling a student in an entity that is not the student's current default entity, a prompt will now appear offering the option to update the de fault entity to the one into which the student is being enrolled.

17 Attendance Absence Occurrence Report
Options to print the Primary Guardian Name, Primary Guardian Address, and Primary Phone Number have been added to the Absence Occurrence Report.

18 Attendance Absence Occurrence Report
Options to print the Primary Guardian Name, Primary Guardian Address, and Primary Phone Number have been added to the Absence Occurrence Report.

19 Discipline Classroom Action Dates – EA+
The ability to include an Action Date for each Classroom Action for Discipline Referrals has been added.

20 Discipline Classroom Action Dates – EA+
The ability to include an Action Date for each Classroom Action for Discipline Referrals has been added.

21 Discipline Classroom Action Dates – Student Management
The ability to include an Action Date for each Classroom Action for Discipline Referrals has been added.

22 Fee Management Post Statements to Family access
On the Print Statements range screen added a new option to post statements to Family Access wall

23 Graduation Requirements
Details Screen *** – A Grad Req Details area was added similar to the GPA Details screen that previously existed. This will allow a user to view why credits were applied or not applied to each requirement area for each course.

24 Career Plans Save and Add button added
A Save and Add button has been added when adding Career Plan Detail. This will allow the user to select multiple curriculum without leaving the add screen.

25 Scheduling Student Schedules – Building Description
An option has been added to print the Building Short Description on Student Schedules. This is available for Regular and Matrix versions of the schedules.

26 Scheduling Class Roster report additional fields
A Section 504 Indicator has been added. Alert Information may also now be included on the report if the user has security to Student Profile Emergency Information (WS\ST\TB\EM\TB\EM).

27 Conferences Do Not Schedule Times
General Staff Conferences now process and include Do Not Schedule blockers. 1. If a Do Not Schedule is added, any overlapping existing conferences not assigned to a student will be deleted. 2. If Mass Conferences are added, a conference will not be created during a Do Not Schedule time. 3. If a conference is edited, it can be allowed to overlap a Do Not Schedule time, if needed.

28 Conferences Do Not Schedule Times
– In Teacher Access, Do Not Schedule has it’s own tab.

29 Conferences Do Not Schedule Times
– When adding a time, you’ll notice when there is a DNS record at the same time.

30 Mobile Conferences Conference Scheduling is now available in Mobile. The new conferences area of Mobile supports parent teacher conferences, scheduling team conferences, and general staff conferences.

31 Mobile Student ID Card – Student Access Entity Configuration
The configuration for Mobile ID Card in Student Access is now available in the Entity Configuration. Users can determine which fields show when displaying the mobile ID

32 Mobile Student ID Card

33 Office Visits Inactivate Codes
The Status field for Guidance, Attendance, and Discipline Office Visit Reason and Comment codes has been added. This will allow users to make a code inactive. Additionally, only active codes will display in selection screens.

34 Food Service Posting FS Approval Letters
– (TN Request) Food Service Application Letters can be posted to Family Access as a wall post and also as links in the Food Service tab.

35 Food Service Posting FS Approval Letters
–A notification will appear on the Home Tab. There will also be an ‘Eligibility Letters’ link next to the ‘Applications’ link from the FS tab, and this will hold all the reports. Upon running year end, these reports will be deleted to save space.

36 Food Service Printing Option for Free/Reduced Ratios
A Print Free/Reduced Ratio by Entity/Grade option has been added to the Lunch Code Totals By Day report.

37 Food Service Printing Option for Free/Reduced Ratios
A Print Free/Reduced Ratio by Entity/Grade option has been added to the Lunch Code Totals By Day report.

38 Health Records Vaccination Notes
An area to add and void Vaccination Notes has been added to the Health and Student Profiles. Additionally, the Vaccination Report, All Health Report, Shot Record Report, and Data Mining have been updated to pull the notes.

39 Health Records Medication Sub Types
The Medication, Medication Administration by Date, and Worksheet Request reports can now all be filtered by the Medication Sub-Type. Additionally, the Medication report has an option to print the Sub-Type.

40 Health Records Medication Sub Types
The Medication, Medication Administration by Date, and Worksheet Request reports can now all be filtered by the Medication Sub-Type. Additionally, the Medication report has an option to print the Sub-Type.

41 Health Records Health Conditions on Office Visit screen
The student's Health Conditions are now displayed on the Health Office Visit maintenance screen. Previously, only Alerts were showing on this screen.

42 Health Records Accident/ Injury report flexible date range
An option has been added to the Accident/Injury report to filter by today's date minus a selected number of days. This option will allow users to range records by a certain number of days in the past to today's date. Additionally, a new Skyward Template has been created for the report to display injury records from the last 30 days

43 Health Records Accident/ Injury report can print body injury comments
The Body Injury Comments now display on the Health Accident/Injury report. Additionally, the Print Free Form Comments field has been renamed to Print Record-Specific Notes for clarity.

44 Student Services – Team Members
Multiple Roles The Special Education module was enhanced to allow team members to have multiple roles per member.

45 Auto Emails Grade Change Requests
Grade Change Request notifications have been added. This will run off a Monitoring Task that can be adjusted.

46 Auto Emails- Career Plans
Counselor as message recipient Add Counselor as Message Recipient option

47 Auto Emails Fields added to Enrollment Change & Discipline
The Enrollment Changes auto s have added fields for Gender, Gender Identity, Head of Household, Is ESL, and Feeder School. The Discipline auto s have added fields for Is Special Ed and Is Section 504.

48 Auto Emails Fields added to Enrollment Change & Discipline
The Enrollment Changes auto s have added fields for Gender, Gender Identity, Head of Household, Is ESL, and Feeder School. The Discipline auto s have added fields for Is Special Ed and Is Section 504.

49 Educator Access Plus Standards Gradebook – Decaying Average
*** This area has a slightly new design as well as the Academic Areas, which now has a Status Column which will show ‘Locked for Updates’

50 Educator Access Plus Cumulative Grading
*** The Use Cumulative Grading in Gradebook option has been added to the Course Length screen. This option is used to make all Grade Buckets begin at the start of the class or the start of the semester. This new option will apply to both Secondary and Standards Gradebooks. This helps calculate grades for Competency Based Learning.

51 Enjoy the rest of the conference!
Thank you! Enjoy the rest of the conference!

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