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Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
May 2012 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: KMP Transport Proposal Date Submitted: May 14, 2012 Source: Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Address 1000 Bent Creek Blvd, MechanicsBurg, PA, USA Voice:+1 (248) , Re: Key Managementn over 4e Multipurpose Frames Abstract: Proposal for tg9 document structure and content Purpose: To add Key Management capabilities to 15.4 and 15.7 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
Key Management Support for 15.4 and 15.7
May 2012 Key Management Support for 15.4 and 15.7 Robert Moskowitz Atlanta, GA May 14, 2012 Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
Changes from prior Version
May 2012 Changes from prior Version Convert to general explanation Details moved to end Add issues for operation of MLME Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
May 2012 Abstract To provide for a Key Management Protocol Transport for and .7 KMP agnostic Support: HIP, IKEv2, 802.1X, ... Provide recommended functionality for KMPs Use Information Elements Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
May 2012 KMP Transport Provide an alternative path from general datagrams for KMP transport between devices Use Information Element for traffic selector Provide fragmentation of large KMP payloads over smaller MPDUs Simple chaining of fragments with Forced ACK Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Simple state machine Base machine supports May 2012
Sending and receiving KMP IE payloads in datagrams Fragmentation management Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Simple state machine Triggers for state machine May 2012
KMP start/restart macSecurityEnabled & no keys macFrameCounter Receipt of KMP IE datagram Receipt of KMP payload from KMP module What about receipt of unsecured datagram? What controls PAN security? Controller or sensor Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport More on state machine triggers
May 2012 KMP Transport More on state machine triggers macSecurityEnabled = True on device Start KMP as first transmission to controller – Before Associate? macSecurityEnabled = True on controller Receipt of unsecured frame force start? Receipt of secure frame with unknown keys Controller lost keys (eg reboot) force start? Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport More on state machine triggers
May 2012 KMP Transport More on state machine triggers macFrameCounter = 0xffffffff – n Where n allows rekeying before key exhaustion Start KMP rekeying With unicast keying either device MAY trigger rekeying? With group keying how is key owner notified to rekey? Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport IE for KMP
May 2012 KMP Transport IE for KMP Generalized for any traffic selector for MAC support with KMP = 1 KMP type/chaining parameter uses data payload IE with max size of 2047 uses COMMAND frame IE with max payload of 255 per IE Issue with COMMAND frame, need to file maintenance item Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Fragmentation support Outbound May 2012
KMP payload divided to fit MPDU Fragment sent with Forced ACK Resend if no ACK returned ACK may have been lost MAX retries = ? Next fragment on ACK receipt Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Fragmentation support Inbound May 2012
Assemble payload from frame received and send ACK if indicated Could be a duplicate fragment ACK lost Deliver payload to KMP on completion Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
May 2012 Old slides follow Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Frames and State Machine
May 2012 KMP Transport Frames and State Machine Fragmentation Support KMP packet size WILL exceed MPDU Forced fragment chaining for simplification Concurrent KMP sessions Security Association content What keys? PTK, GTK, etc. Counters, lifetimes, etc. Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics 15.4 MAC and IE formats May 2012
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Information Element
May 2012 KMP Information Element Frame format MAC specific content ID Length Control Field – 1 byte KMP fragment Bits:1 7 Octets: Chaining Flag MultiID/Count KMP Fragment 0-1 0-127 -- Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Frames and State Machine
May 2012 KMP Transport Frames and State Machine Control Field 1 bit chaining flag (yes, last/onlyone) 7 bit Multipurpose ID/Chain count First packet provides Multipurpose ID ID range , 97 & 127 reserved ID=98 for KMP Chain Count Ends at 96 to disambiguate ID from count C=1 is 1st fragment C=2 is 2nd fragment 96 fragments SHOULD provide for at least 6KB KMP payload Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Transport Frames and State Machine
May 2012 KMP Transport Frames and State Machine KMP fragment KMP ID – 1 byte 802.1X, HIP, IKEv2, SAE, etc. KMP payload Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics 15.4 MAC and IE formats May 2012
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics Use 15.4e Information Elements
May 2012 15.4 Specifics Use 15.4e Information Elements Use data payload IEs (not header IEs) Larger payload length Header IEs limited to 127 bytes Need IE type assignment MLME Nested limited to 255 bytes Only 5 values available Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics MAC and IE details IE ID Value assignment May 2012
Only 5 values available Thus the move to a 'multipurpose' chain ID with sub-field for KMP IDs Thus similar to MLME (Nested) but as a data IE Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics MAC and IE details
May 2012 15.4 Specifics MAC and IE details Unauthenticated PDUs always use long addresses e.g. KMP rekeying within authenticated PDUs MAY use short addresses Use Forced ACK for chaining support For pre-4e devices work with IETF on 6lowpan support Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics MAC and IE details ACK frame used for chaining May 2012
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics Pre 15.4e device support For 6lowpan PANs May 2012
Develop a submission to the IETF using the Dispatch Type in RFC 4944 PDUs with the KMP Dispatch Type a length field will be equivalent to the 15.4e KMP IE A 6lowpan device that supports 15.4e SHOULD also support this pre-15.4e mode of operation Who wants to author this? Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.4 Specifics Security Association content
May 2012 15.4 Specifics Security Association content section 7.5, table 60 SA per link pair Broadcast SA(s) may be KMP specific 1 per source? Shared key space with sequence including source MAC? How to control rekeying will be KMP specific Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command
May 2012 15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command Can a Command frame ONLY have IEs? Sec 5.3 seems to indicate that the MLME has no way to construct a command frame with ONLY IEs. Need Element ID assignment Use Forced ACK for chaining support Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command May 2012
Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command
May 2012 15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command Need Element ID assignment Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command
May 2012 15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command IE length of 255 bytes max may be too limited IE Command allows for multiple IEs per command KMP IE MAY have larger IE? Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command
May 2012 15.7 Specifics Use 15.7 Information Element Command IE payload same as in 15.4 ACK frame used for chaining Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
15.7 Specifics Security Association content
May 2012 15.7 Specifics Security Association content section 7.5, table 66 Needs study SA per link pair Broadcast SA(s) may be KMP specific 1 per source? Shared key space with sequence including source MAC? How to control rekeying will be KMP specific Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Guidelines KMP Sections General KMP description Use case(s)
May 2012 KMP Guidelines KMP Sections General KMP description Sub sections as needed, e.g. backend authentication mechanism Use case(s) Profile References to defining documents Parameter specifics, e.g. in HIP, K=0 SA definition E.G. Tie into security PID Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Guidelines Initial list of KMPs 802.1X
May 2012 KMP Guidelines Initial list of KMPs 802.1X Needs to include an actual key exchange like the i 4-way handshake HIP – R. Moskowitz/J. Haapola IKEv2 – T. Kivinen PANA – Yoshihiro Ohba SAE Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Guidelines KMP Profiling for 15.9 usage Change in encapsulation
May 2012 KMP Guidelines KMP Profiling for 15.9 usage Change in encapsulation e.g. IKEv2 specified to run over UDP Additions for SA management e.g X does not supply link keys. In usage, this is done via the 4- Way Handshake Special attention to broadcast keying management Others? Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
KMP Guidelines KMP use cases Why this KMP? Practical examples
May 2012 KMP Guidelines KMP use cases Why this KMP? Code size, CPU/battery demand Multi-layer code reuse Practical examples Deployment advice Identity installation and registration When performed Life-cycle management Rekeying Robert Moskowitz, Verizon
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