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Task force IPSAS Agenda point 6.1

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1 Task force IPSAS Agenda point 6.1
Review of IPSAS standards 5-6 July 2012 Giovanna Dabbicco Eurostat D4 GFS Quality management and government accounting * Document will be updated later with the contribution from Sweden

2 Eurostat identified 3 categories of standards :
Background Eurostat identified 3 categories of standards : standards that might be implemented immediately (a core) standards that need adaptation, or for which a selective approach would be needed standards that are seen as too problematic to implement 2

3 Contribution by the countries
Contributions were invited from delegates of the Task force France, Denmark, UK, Bulgaria, Austria, Finland participated in this exercise …but also Sweden and Hesse provided comments 3

4 Several points of view 4 The classification was based mainly on:
Accounting principles and approaches of the standards in comparison with ESA95 Practical applicability based on the national standards practise (degree of divergence with national standards) Relevance / not relevance of the standards …and From a country perspective and from a broader EU position Distinguishing categories of financial statement items …..some others countries provided a not complete review of the suite of standards 4

5 Provisional findings – 1/5

6 Provisional finding – 2/5

7 Provisional finding – 3/5

8 Provisional finding– 4/5

9 Provisional finding - 5/5

10 Summary 4 IPSASs most need adaptation/selective approach:
4 IPSASs most problematic: IPSAS 6 Consolidated Financial Statements IPSAS Financial Instruments IPSAS 25 Employee Benefits 4 IPSASs most need adaptation/selective approach: IPSAS 13 Leases IPSAS 18 Segment Reporting IPSAS 23 Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions IPSAS 17 Properties, Plant and Equipment ….but also IPSAS 21, 26, 31

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