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And Ways to correct them

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1 And Ways to correct them
RUN-ON SENTENCES And Ways to correct them

2 Types of RUN-ON Sentences
A comma splice contains two main clauses illegally joined by a comma. The problem looks like this: main clause + , + main clause = RUN-ON. A fused sentence contains two or more main clauses illegally run together with no punctuation whatsoever. The problem looks like this: main clause + Ø + main clause = RUN-ON. A lonely boy sentence contains two main clauses joined only by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). The problem looks like this: Main clause + FANBOY + main clause = RUN-ON.

3 Main clause A main clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a complete sentence. A main clause must contain Subject (noun or pronoun) Verb (action word) Meaning (must make sense without adding anything else)

4 1 – Change the comma to a semicolon.
Easy fixes Comma Splices, option 1 1 – Change the comma to a semicolon.

5 Example: We went to the basketball game, we had a great time. (comma splice) We went to the basketball game; we had a great time. (successful correction)

6 Correcting comma splices
option 2 2 – Insert a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) after the comma.

7 Example: We went to the basketball game, we had a great time. (comma splice) We went to the basketball game, and we had a great time. (successful correction)

8 Correcting fused sentences
Three easy options

9 1 – Separate the main clauses with a period and a capital letter.
Fused sentences Option 1 1 – Separate the main clauses with a period and a capital letter.

10 Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or-Treating .
example Fused Corrected Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or-Treating . Halloween is my favorite holiday. Every year I go Trick-or-Treating .

11 Correcting fused sentences
Option 2 2 – Insert a semicolon between the main clauses.

12 Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or-Treating.
Example: Fused corrected Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or-Treating. Halloween is my favorite holiday; every year I go Trick-or-Treating.

13 Correcting Fused sentences
Option 3 3 – Insert a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) between the main clauses.

14 Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or- Treating.
Example: fused corrected Halloween is my favorite holiday every year I go Trick-or- Treating. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so every year I go Trick-or- Treating .

15 Correcting lonely boy sentences
Giving FANBOYS a partner Insert a comma before the coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).

16 Example: The temperature outside was minus four but we still went sledding. (lonely boy) The temperature outside was minus four, but we still went sledding. (successful correction)

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