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Topic: Evaluating Slavery in the Colonies

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1 Topic: Evaluating Slavery in the Colonies

2 Origins of the “labor problem”
Large plantations need a stable labor source Indentured servants too troublesome (Bacon’s Rebellion) Fewer poor in England by 1700 Tobacco = Profit motive Spain, Portuguese as examples “Middle Passage” and Triangle Trade

3 Slavery statistics Slaves imported, sent to all 13 colonies, British West Indies (Barbados sugar plantations) Slave auctions Many in the south (tobacco, rice) Over 10,000 imported By mid-1700s, Africans outnumber whites in south Carolina, Virginia

4 Colonial Response to Slavery
Plantation Owners Yeoman farmers Poor Whites African Slaves Beginnings of Racism? Manumission (for few)? Differentiation between “servant” and “slave” Slave Codes Perpetuity Chattel slavery Southern Hierarchy emerges

5 Conditions of Slavery Carolinas- particularly harsh (high death rate)
Draining swamps, clearing forests Some convert to Christianity (increases w/ time) Stono Slave revolt (1739) Escapees to Florida

6 Conclusion 1) How did slaves arrive in America?
2) How did slavery impact the colonies’ economics, social structures, and concepts of race?

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