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Global History & Geography (29 December 2018)

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1 Global History & Geography (29 December 2018)
What Were the Characteristics and Contributions of Islamic Civilization

2 Beginning & Spread of Islam
Islam in Its Present Form Began with the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAAS) in 610 C.E. Islam gained authority with Muhammad and his followers migration to Madinah (Hijrah) By Muhammad’s Death in C.E. 633 Hijaz, Yemen and Bahrain of Arabian peninsula became part of Islamic State. The Caliphs (Khulafa) After him brought all of Arabia, Syria, Egypt and Persian Empire Under Islamic control. The dynasties that followed the caliphs were Umayyad dynasty and Abbasid Dynasties added North Africa, Northern India, Central Asia, Spain, and North Western China under Muslim Control.

3 Map of the Muslim World

4 Characteristics of Islamic Civilization
Diverse Land & People Middle East (Arabs, Syrians & Persians), North Africans (Egyptians & Berbers), Indians, Central Asia (Turks and others), Europe (Spain & Sicily), Southeast Asians & Chinese. Legal System Shari‘a – laws derived from the Qur’an and Prophetic traditions – governed moral behavior, family life, business, government, and other areas of community life.

5 Divisions within Islam Social Patterns
Sunnis & Shi’ites Social Patterns Social mobility: it was easy for any Muslim to climb up the social order. Treatment of Conquered People: Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their faith but the men had to pay a special tax – jizya. Some served as doctors, court officials and translators.

6 Slavery: Status of women Slavery was common
slaves were brought from Spain, Greece, Africa, India and Central Asia. They could buy their freedom and were treated good Status of women Spiritual equality with men. Education and property rights were guaranteed The role played by the two groups were different.

7 Muslim Empires: Umayyad Empire: Founded by General Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan Abbasid Empire: Founded by Abul Abbas As-Saffa Political division happened during 900s C.E. Sultan: Political and Military Head [Holder of Power] Khalifah: Religious and Overall Head of State

8 Homework Questions 1, 4 & 6 on page 194 and questions 1, and 2 on page 202.

9 What were the Contributions of Islamic Civilization’s Golden Age?
Saturday, December 29, 2018 What were the Contributions of Islamic Civilization’s Golden Age? 12/29/2018

10 Contributions of the Muslim Golden Age
Preservation of Greco-Roman Contribution Muslim Scholars translated many Greek works, added notes to them and later translated into Latin Education Libraries, Schools and Universities were built in Muslim cities like Cordova, Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad. Art & Architecture Mosques (Masajid) & Palaces: Elaborate geometric patterns were used in their design.

11 Literature & Philosophy
Calligraphy: calligraphy decorated buildings and pieces of art. Qur’anic verses were frequently used. Drawings and Paintings: Human & animals were usually not depicted because Muhammad (SAAS) prohibited that. Literature & Philosophy Poetry - was common form of expression Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam is a famous work. Tales: “Arabian Nights” is a famous work. Non-fiction – Muslim scholars wrote thousands of volumes on Qur’anic commentary, laws, biographies, etc. Philosophy: Ibn Rushd (Averröes) was famous writer. Questions 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 on page 210.

12 Mathematics and Science
Algebra: Persian Muslim mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi wrote original work on Algebra (Hisab al-Jabr al-Muqabala) Spreading knowledge – studied Greek and Indian works and spread Indian Decimal number system Astronomy: Muslim Astronomers developed astronomical tables, observed the Earth’s rotation and calculated its circumference.

13 Navigation Tools: Astrolabe, Magnetic Compass, and accurate Maps were developed.
Medicine: Most advanced medicine of the medieval time. Doctors needed to pass required tests before they could practice. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote a Medical Encyclopedia (al-Qanun fi at-Tibb) that became a textbook of Medicine in European universities. Physics, Optics, Chemistry and Geography were also significantly contributed by Muslims.

14 Economic Achievements:
Trade: Merchants were honored Between Muslims created the largest trade network Traders not only exchanged goods but also spread religious beliefs, technology and culture Established partnership, credit system (checking) and banking was developed

15 Influence on Christian Europe
Manufacturing: Carpets in Persia Steelworks in Damascus, Papermaking in Baghdad & Cairo leather goods in Cordova Guilds regulated price, weights and measurements. Also monitored product quality. Agriculture: Sugarcane, cotton, medicinal herbs, fruits and vegetables were grown. Influence on Christian Europe Spain and Sicily were two Muslim outposts in Europe.

16 HOMEWORK Questions 1, 2, 4, 5, & 7 on page 210

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